June 8, 2024

VIDEO: It's Been a Cold Week in Mississippi!

Our aquaponics system in our filters for our catfish pond has frozen over completely! We have had an extremely long cold snap for our area. Yesterday was the first day in about 7 days that the temperature got above freezing!

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: It's Been a Cold Week in Mississippi!

  1. Oh gracious Mrs Lea, I hope your fish made out ok, dang that's a lot of ice!! All my pipes froze over here, left my water running in my house and shop thank goodness but all the water spigots are frozen shut!! I need to invest in some frost blankets for next year!! Thanks for sharing mam and y'all stay warm!! Dan

  2. The ponds just a bit icy heh!! Those greens probably are done tho :(!!
    A shot of the catfish would be awesome!! How big you reckon they are now?
    Nice shot of the quail!! Spring is on its way, slowly but surely!!
    Have a good'nnn

  3. WOW! I hope the filter is ok! We have had 13 straight days of extremely cold weather here in Toronto!! It was -21 yesterday, not including the wind. Tomorrow we will go above freezing!! All the best Lea!! LIKE #7

  4. water stopped moving here last week, been ice fishing. below zero every night 10 days. some things will survive the cold. thank you for the icy update.

  5. Wow Lea and Al, that is a winter wonderland!!! I wonder how the chickens and quail manage out in the cold, I know I sure could not handle it! Sorry it has been so cold so long for you all as well as most of the rest of the country. It will be interesting to see how much of the aqua-ponics you will have to re-plant, I hope not too much! Stay warm!!!

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