We produced 1,300 lbs. of edible produce from our 3,000 feet of usable backyard space.
VIDEO: 1,300 lbs of Produce From Our 3,000 Square Foot Backyard Homestead
We produced 1,300 lbs. of edible produce from our 3,000 feet of usable backyard space.
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
Great production. What are you using to weigh all of your produce and meat?
outstanding job yall !!
That was a Great year end Harvest!! I alway enjoy your videos, And I'm looking forward to your 2018 Spring Gardening Season.. Tfs Big Like!!
The rewards for your labor, well done.
Yea Leo is so good hearing from you y'all did a great job with your food production how exciting. Live Well God Bless
Good morning Lea. Your harvests have gotten better every year. I'm surprised you did that well with the quail too. Thanks for the spread sheet tour
Have a great day. Best wishes bob.
wow great you should be proud indeed!!! the spread sheet was real cool to see. cheers to even more growth and product production in 2018.
love this channel so much. what an inspiration.
Great work on the garden this past year.
I would love to see how you manage your record keeping throughout the year, do you have any videos showing that?
Wow! That grocery budget is amazing. Great job!
Hi, Lea !!! Happy New Year. You guys are goal busters for sure. Congrats to you guys. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your week and take care. Hugs and blessings too.
I'm amazed at the amount of produce y'all have harvested Mrs Lea, it's a beautiful thing!! Thanks for sharing!! Dan
Sounds like a really productive season!! I'm going to try and grow some cherry tomatoes and some small jalapeno peppers this Spring! I bet you have motivated some people into planting a garden!! All the best Lea!!
Corngrats on the amount of produce grown!! Looking forward to March!!
Do y'all make the catfish stretch for the 2 years? Ever thought about a 2nd pond so
y'all could have a harvest yearly? If you could only grow bush beans or pole beans, which would you go with and why? How much sunflower seeds did y'all harvest?
Thumbs up on the spending goal!! Have a good'nnn
Very good
really great and awesome work! Klasse Video
I have subbed you ( new Channel )
good day to you Lea !! it just gets better and better each passing year
That’s awesome the homestead is growing
Theres always space on your roof. Hehehe I have been slowly taking over new area at our house. The back yard the front the boulevard the lain way.
I am a little tardy on viewing this video, but I would like to say that you and Al have done a fantastic job this year! I really like your spreadsheet records. I know it is probably a hassle to weigh and enter everything, but all that data really pays off later! I am proud that you all exceeded your goals for food production and shopping spending. I am looking forward to witnessing your success in reaching your 2018 goals!
Wow, that is great production. I love that you have catfish in your pond. I just subbed your channel. I would appreciate your support for my channel also…Thanks Calvin
Wow! That is an impressive harvest. We always talk about keep track of how much we produce, but we never seem to keep up with logging it throughout the year. -Andy
Besides enjoying your channel, I find you inspirational. You folks should be in a documentary of how people can live healthier, less expensive lives. You are great role models for a world that has forgotten how to feed themselves. I hope you have an amazing 2018:)
Home grown produce would tastes delicious. I have a cooking channel an you might want to visit.
This is amazing that you were able to produce that much food in your back yard.