Farmer TESTED – Ryobi 480e Electric Riding Mower PT 1. This will change the way cut. No more gasoline trips. Using my Ryobi electric riding lawn mower on my farm.
VIDEO: Farmer TESTED – Ryobi 480e Electric Riding Mower Part # 1
Farmer TESTED – Ryobi 480e Electric Riding Mower PT 1. This will change the way cut. No more gasoline trips. Using my Ryobi electric riding lawn mower on my farm.
Awesome Mark!
That would be so much easier
No gas
No oil
No oil filter
I wonder how long the electric motor will last?
Very cool
Beautiful machine, congratulations, Mark!
That is the sexiest lawnmower I've ever seen.
Well Done ! !
Mark, thanks for the video. I've been in the market for a new mower and was about to get a zero turn from John Deere or Toro. I would love to not have store can after can of gasoline. Finished a Hugelkultur bed for my strawberries. So far they're lovin' it. They're still blooming and putting on berries in January!
Mark, have you figured out how you're going to re-use that nifty pallet/crate?
Hi Mark,
Does Ryobi offer add-ons to this mower? Wouldn't it be great to have a solar panel canopy so while your out mowing you can extend the range. Park it in the sun and plug it into the wind, best of both worlds. The canopy would also protect you from rain or summers sun. Something to consider, if Ryobi does't have add-ons when the warranty expires you could do the job yourself. Cheers,
I work for a company called Assemblers Inc. Our two major contracts are Home Depot and Academy Sports, We do in-Home assemblys as well as assembly services for other retailers (Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, Amazon… etc…)
I've Assembled one of these. A customer purchased one at HD dot Com and had it shipped to my store (Lancaster SC) to be assembled and then delivered to their house from the store. I've only assembled one so far, but i was impressed. I actually drove a lap around inside HD and was impressed with how quiet it was and the speeds it could attain. When you engage the blades it sounds like a really loud leaf blower, but that is still quieter than any internal combustion lawn mower. I wish I could afford one myself ,but i gotta get the rear bagger as well because I'm major into composting.
I gave you a thumbs up anyway even though that mower looks like it’s made entirely of plastic…
Congrats Mark, Ryobi is great. I love my electric lawnmower and line trimmer, charged by solar its all free! Maybe if you need it, invest in an extra battery set and then you will be able to charge and work at the same time.
I love your videos and we actually do not live very far from your farm. We do our own garden with garden beds I built in our yard. We cannot believe how much we produce and give away each year. We also started composting and used the information you provided on youtube. We plan on coming up to visit your farm this year and buy some things that we do not grow ourselves. I would like to know more about your windmills. Can you do a video explaining about them, the cost and effectiveness of putting them in?
Hi Mark, Thanks for the video! I have been interested in this machine for a few months now, but for pulling purposes only. Please let us know how it does as a pulling tractor, after you use it at such. Thanks again.
Could you use an arched loading ramp to get this in and out of a pickup? Do you think it'll have any problem with the incline or the deck getting hung up?
Use electric wire to contain animals out front.
Can you remove cutting deck.?
Do you know what the turning radius is on the Ryobi electric riding mower?
No fence on your own property, sounds like you need to move, jeeze thats messed up.
How long did it take for 3 acres, Bill?
The 480ex was delivered yesterday!
We cut, roughly, an acre in 2 hours, yes, we went pretty slow. No noticable discomfort driving and the steering was tight and smooth.
Grass had not been cut this year so, much of the cutable 2.5 (bumpy farm) acres is 8 to 12" high. We ran 2.10 hrs and the meter showed still at 100% as we blew off the grass and put her on the charger.
Grass was so high we're on the 3rd section…. yes, again- we're SLOW, but its friggin' 15 inches in some places! The mower cuts it but one must SLOW! LOL
We cleaned. The deck, which is fastened to the deck arms like most ot by er riders and secured with r-clips. Just remember to put it on the same way as taken off. The deck was easy to slide out from under the frame.
Oh yeah, I cut the second section at night. The, two banks of, led lights were sufficient.
Total time.on 2nd section .25 acres was an hour in tall and slightly damp conditions. 1 bar was used.
This thing is a joy to ride, so far!
Have you towed much with it yet, how much weight and how did it handle it.
I just got mine delivered yesterday. Live in Florida and the grass grows crazy fast here most of the year. I, just as a lark googled electric ride on lawn mower and this Ryobi came up I was ecstatic. They should really do some better marketing just the low noise and environment friendly aspect alone should propel this thing to stardom. Home Depot was the only place I could order it from.
I have about 1/3 an acre of ground and I grow vegetables year around Organically of course. I have a battery powered weed eater and now a mower. Progress baby!
I'm going to petition my town to be able ride it to work. I only have to travel two miles…Worth a try .. TY for the video!
I'm planning on getting one myself thanks for the information on this machine
well, its been about a year now since this videos been posted. wondering if you're still using this ryobi mower, because im thinking about purchasing one. would want your opinion if you're still using it. or if you have already gotten rid of it.
I really enjoy my mower. Made a few modifications to mine. Turned the shipping crate to a work bench. See my Facebook page.
I have owned my 480e for 2 years now . The mower cuts my grass in Wisconsin great. I love that it is so quiet . It is my workhorse for my 1/2 acre lot. The power is better than any gas powered rider I have had. At the time of purchase I was a little skeptical about a battery powered lawn tractor but that quickly changed. Putting this mower thru it's paces and then some, clearing and leveling the woods and pulling stumps it had functioned flawlessly. At the time of purchase from Home Depot I also added the Brinly snow plow attachment that I highly recommend I now have sold my gas snow thrower.
The only flaws that I have found is the seat could give a softer ride and when in reverse the throttle could be as responsive as in forward. These two things are very minor in the overall operation of this mower. I am more than pleased with the Ryobi 480e lawn tractor. I have even started a Facebook group. Ryobi 480e riding mowers.
I have been looking at the zero turn version of this. Only thing that puts me off is the amount of plastic that they use in these Ryobi mowers. How have you found the durability of the plastics?