March 28, 2025

VIDEO: without these PLANTS won't SURVIVE… Beyond Organic Gardening

Without these us and plants won’t survive. They are foundational for growth of all cells!

Here is the link to the video of Geoff Lawton at Zaytuna Farms:




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!


27 thoughts on “VIDEO: without these PLANTS won't SURVIVE… Beyond Organic Gardening

  1. James you are more impressive each week. There are a lot of tells in life. I can see you are all in, you are doing GIA's work and your rewards will be a strong healthy heart and a clear and illuminating Mind Stay rooted in your garden.

  2. James, over my many years of gardening I have learned that it comes down to  tending to the soil; and that's certainly what you focused on in this episode. You did a beautiful job of illustrating the fundamental process of nitrogen fixing, including great graphics!

  3. Fascinating!! I love the way you do the photography behind you and to highlight and bring emphasis. You are so knowledgeable, but also great at putting together a very creative video that is interesting to watch. Memes are a great touch! Thank you and bless you!

  4. I live about an hour north of Zaytuna farm.
    This is similair to what fishkeepers call the "nitrogen cycle". We strive to have good and beneficial bacteria in our soil for healthy plants – aquariums too. .Fish tank waste (fish poop, decaying food and plant matter) produces ammonium (toxic to fish). Nitrosomas break this down to Nitrite (less toxic). Nitrospira breaks this down further to Nitrates. Nitrates are much less harmful to fish. However can become deadly if the amount of nitrates becomes to high. In nature there is much more water to dissipate nitrate levels. In a closed system like an aquarium, we remove 50% of water from our tanks (more or less – varies with need) each week or so and top up with clean dechlorinated water to mimic what happens in nature. Aquariums that have not been cycled is what kills peoples fish when they first start in the hobby. And cleaning everything in a fish tank with chlorinated water kills the nitrogen cycle.

  5. Awesome information! Thanks for sharing. Would you recommend Jeff Lawton as the best mentor for those wishing to use humid tropic land such as in The South Central Philippines for cash or market crops while also wishing to to create a food forest?

  6. Key point: plants will give more than what they take according to their symbiotic relationship with sunlight, rhizobium bacteria and soil nutrients! Thank you James, love the new videos! Natural farmers unite!

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