June 8, 2024

VIDEO: The Incredible Edible Pig with Rocco Sinicrope & Meredith Leigh Part 1

Learn about small scale hog production with Rocco Sinicrope as he shares his own experience creating layers of livestock, cover crops, rotational grazing and more. Glean tips to help you be more efficient while building your systems on whatever scale you have in mind. In part 2, take a walk, see some pigs and talk more about how to care for and manage them well. Later, Meredith Leigh will share her butchering and charcuterie expertise in the kitchen.

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Incredible Edible Pig with Rocco Sinicrope & Meredith Leigh Part 1

  1. it's protein that causes them to get the hump backs on the pigs if they are getting to high a protein it will cause that it's a balance on what they are eating that makes or breaks that. We learned this while showing pigs which is why it's a heck of a project to grow a pig for showing.

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