March 2, 2025


Am I crazy enough to drive a truck over my new garden? Yes I am, and I am now even worried about the com;paction because there wont be any!




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!


28 thoughts on “VIDEO: DRIVING a TRUCK over my GARDEN!

  1. can you list the fruit trees you grow name and type best for New Jersey. Also grape type, I have a hard time growing with out some Kind of problems. Thanks for your help Joe from jersey.

  2. I love watching your videos James. I am looking forward to seeing your progress in the new food forest as I am starting my own food forest in my front garden. I have just finished mulching the whole area, even though it's the wrong time of year here in Melbourne Australia, but hey better the wrong time than not at all right. I can't wait to see how you do the grape canopy as I would like to do a similar thing in my garden. Have you thought about doing a Hugelkulture bed with those logs, they would work really well.Have you watched Plant Abundance? He has a food forest as well and he does Hugel beds. It maybe worth checking out. You are a big inspiration, keep up the great work.

    I get all jacked up every time I see there's a new vid from you…WHY? Because it's another chance to learn and watch the new Food Forest come together same time as mine!! ( I'm Keith Tiberius Howell from FB, "finally found the wood chips" guy).
    ROCK ON, the gate looks great.

  4. Not sure why, but watching you install fence posts & fencing and remove logs for 24 minutes is kinda therapeutic. Also, your enthusiasm is infectious. Thanks for another great video.

  5. You've got such a great playground! I like your new editing trick where you cloned yourself in the first minute….can you imagine if there were 3 James Prigioni's rocking the food forest?! oh mah goodness!! Well done as usual. Question: are you micced or is the audio just what your camera is picking up? And what kind of camera are you using, it's quite crisp and clear. You felt VERy excited in this video, it's infectious!

  6. James, I have several Bradford Pear trees and was planning to remove them, but they are more than 15 years old. Then I thought that I might try to graft apple and pear scions onto them before taking them down completely. Have you considered taking yours down to use for it's root stock for some productive varieties? Interested to hear your perspective. Keep up your excellence!

  7. I had the thought that if you hinged the gate on the other side, it would make a convenient barrier for corralling the chickens from their area in to the food forest.

  8. James, your perseverance is inspiring! Our wood chips arrived yesterday and we'll have a wheelbarrow tomorrow. The food forest is happening.

  9. My husband is a tree hugger. It is always a struggle to get even half dead trees out of my yard. I applaud you for being sensible about trees. If they aren't producing, they should go. They will make a nice fire in the winter.

  10. So im listening to you talk about your sandy, rockless, soil and im almost jealous. But then i think how amazing it is that what YOU add to fix your sandy soil is the exact same thing I add to fix my rock infested clay. That's the beauty to God's design. It reminds me, cayanne for instance; the greatest herbal aid to circulation, the herb that can stop a heart attack is the very same herb that can stop bleeding like no other, better than astringents sometimes. i know people who have survived gunshot wounds because they drank cayanne tea. Another who survived by putting powdered cayanne straight on the wound. How does that work?! Idk God is good. Compare this to man's method, doctors give heart patients plavix, heaven forbid you get shot or stabbed on plavix, you would almost certainly bleed to death. Its like garlic, the herb SO strong the smell ALONE can kill e-coli, an herb that kills gram positive and gram negative bacteria, doesnt wipe out your pro-bacteria/ healthy flora, it actually boosts it. How the heck does that work?! Idk God is good. Compare this to mans method of indiscriminate antibiotics that wreak havoc on probiotics and life in general. Remember man's way has side effects, Gods way has side benefits!

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