June 9, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Coriander/Cilantro/Dhaniya at Home-FULL INFORMATION

DAIZZ’S TIP:-Coriander/Cilantro is a highly aromatic herb that is used to enhance the flavor of many South-East Asian and Mexican cuisines and as a dressing to improve the appearance of meal served. Most of the people tend to think that cilantro is one of the most difficult herbs to grow but that’s not true. However, it is little but easy to grow if you follow the way of growing coriander/cilantro.
Choosing a Pot
Mostly people choose too shallow pots for growing cilantro but that’s a mistake. Similar to dill, cilantro needs a pot that is deep and wide. For growing cilantro in a pot, choose one that is 10-12 inches wide and at least 10-12 inches deep

Best Cilantro Planting Time
Start growing cilantro once all the dangers of frost are passed. You can grow cilantro successively from spring to fall. In warm temperates and much hotter regions.you can grow cilantro in winters too. Cilantro can tolerate light frost easily. Below the zone 8, in much cooler regions, you can grow cilantro in cold frames and overwinter it.

In hot tropical climate , coriander/cilantro grows best in fall and winter. However, it can be grown year round in such climates as in many tropical countries fresh cilantro leaves are available throughout the year but you’ll need to cope with the bolting problem. You may need to harvest quickly and provide shade in spring and summer.

ESong: Markvard – Time (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://youtu.be/NvZ3CN-vvsw


22 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Coriander/Cilantro/Dhaniya at Home-FULL INFORMATION

  1. Awesome video. But I'm facing trouble when I try this from my side. My cilantro germinates well, shoots up, but then tends to bend to the side within a couple of weeks, and can't keep steady.

    Its in a well open, and adequately shaded area (later part of the day), and the water and nutrient levels in the soil are optimum. But still, by week 3 the plants start to fail.

    Any idea why this happens? Any soil factors or anything that I'm supposed to watch out for?
    Seen this same issue with a number of friends as well.

  2. Hi, your videos are useful.. I have tried growing coriander in rectangular pot and coriander seeds germinated very well and was growing well. It's been close to 40 days now I see flowers appearing in coriander and suddenly growth has stopped. What should I do to regain the strength and revive it? Please help

  3. I have very little success with growing coriander lately learng a bit but ur video covered almost all doubts i have thank you .. by the way hat do you mean by water inch? how to know one inch water is irrigated pls

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