March 27, 2025

VIDEO: WOOD CHIPS TRUE Hidden Treasure REVEALED for Back To Eden Gardening

WOOD CHIPS TRUE Hidden Secret Top Mineral Treasure REVEALED for No till Gardening Beginners 101 Compost Soil Health. Deep mulch gardening shows how Fungi attracts Calcium Oxalate. Also same in composting leaves and Back to Eden gardening method with wood chips.

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: WOOD CHIPS TRUE Hidden Treasure REVEALED for Back To Eden Gardening

  1. I knew that fungi had to be good for something. Thanks for for the info. Now, if you could send a little bit of that moisture to the southwest. Maybe we will have a wet spring.

  2. MARK How long have the woodchips been in place in your garden? Where i presently garden it's all fine sand. I've made arrangements for approximately 20 tons of ships to be delivered this spring.

  3. Mark you have inspired me to become a soil microbiologist. I told my biology teacher and he was ecstatic because he knows it’s important but no one in his 26 year career said that’s what they wanted to do. All this just seems like the way. It’s so much cheaper so much more sustainable and it’s more productive when done right. I wanna work in a lab and out on the field with this and eventually come back as a consultant and maybe do what you’re doing (probably not for profit but grow like all my food at least and sell high price stuff). It’s just so interesting. My junior year schedule is planned for it. Advanced biology theory chem II pre calculus and statistics are all what I would need. I’ll try for PSU. Maybe I will come visit sometime I can’t live too far away.

  4. I have this same fungi among my wood chips. I am also implementing cover crops to help build the soil as it is mostly sandy. Does this fungi thrive in an environment that won't be as heavy in wood chips?

  5. That's great information. I have mulched with woodchips for that last 6 years. Family comes over and are just amazed at our plant growth. Marigolds 2ft high and garlic the size of a softball. Whats your secret they say. I don't rototil, I don't water and besides the odd weed popping up the only thing I do is grow soil with woodchips and horse manure. That's it. Now when they return home to their dried out mineral lacking garden, what do they do. They rototil, they weed and they water. Ya can't help them all. Cheers!

  6. Thanks again for the great videos, I always learn so much from you. Do you get any pest issues from the leaf mould you use in your seedling plugs? I want to use leaves indoors, but I am concerned about filling my home with bugs. Thanks!

  7. My first attempt at organic gardening was about 20 years ago in NE was about 1000 sq ft.i used composted steer manure,bone meal,to start with,later adding yards of my own compost.i also added 6-8 85lbs bales of straw,and 4-6 bales of alfalfa for mulch.all of the mulch utterly disappeared in 1-3 weeks.i did this for five seasons of fall,and spring gardens with good results.howeevver the humus never tested above 5% even with all the inputs.i believe the culprit was the roto I’m finding out I was wiping out not just the organic matter but the microb/fungi balance.these systems are so complex we will never understand completely but that’s what keeps it interesting,discovery.thanks so much for these videos.

  8. Hi mark greta vids, question i don't have regular access to wood chips i get small amounts irregularly but i get wheat straw and leaves would straw work in those raised beds you made in place of the wood chips on the outside.

  9. Mark, I'm a beginner. I have two acres of sandy/rocky and in some places clay soil that is covered with weeds/wild flowers. I want to enrich it. I can get wood chips for $5 a truck load. I can get pecan leaves free. It is already February. Is it too late to cover the two acres with wood chips and leaves? How much should I use? What can I plant? I have no tools. Just me. I just retired. My goal is to have a garden that within a couple of years will be bringing in a small income. I have watched quite a few of your videos, but I'm not exactly sure the order in which to do things and when.

  10. Have you ever heard of the claims they make about Mexican Sunflower ? After watching many of your videos and seeing your science approach, I was hoping you could help me. I have no background in biology and would love to know if it really is equivalent to Fish Fertilizer . If so, Growing your own fertilizer would be a nice option to have. Thank you for your consideration.

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