Here is Robert Hart’s Forest Garden. This is the complete video of the one I showcased on the last episode of The Gardening Show. I hope you enjoy this video and find value in it.
My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!
Thank you for your time and efforts. You're the man
does anybody know how he died i find it disappointing that he only lived to 86 if he was raw vegan till the end you would think eating as healthy as possible and having a food forest would atleast get you to 120.. cause of death anyone?
Thank you for posting this for us. This was valuable info for me Because I am just starting my food small food forrest this year. My first trees are 4 apple trees.
congratulations on this video !!!
Thanks for finding and putting the video up for us James!!
Should I be taking gardening advice given to us by the preacher from the poltergeist movie?
That was very informative and I learned lots. Thanks!
Come please
The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
James a great video series. I really like his description of how to plant the layers towards the end of the 2nd half. What is missing to reduce labor in his system that Permaculture includes is the labor saving implementation of fowl.
Thanks for sharing this video!
If Aldous Huxley was a gardener
lovely share brother! was hoping you'd break into the 7 layer talk eventually and you did. so happy for success brother. God bless you <3
hard to fllow that old man talks like he is on valium pills.
Thank you for sharing the video!
I honestly would have never watched this had it not been for you putting it out there. Thank You! I was glad to get some history of where you are coming from and where we are all going together!
Very cool!
Thank you for providing this treasure!
Wait hold on. Layer 4 is Herbacious, Layer 6 is roots. What is #5?
Good evening !
Do you have seeds of Blue Spruce or Norway Maple to sell?
It could be a tree branch.
Thank you !
Thank you.
Always good to learn from your elders. I say " if you learn from other's mistakes you wont have to make your own"
My dream.
i cant tell you how many times ive watched this. thanks again James!
Thank you for that. Because I had watched the bit of this video you provided earlier and was so captivated, I found myself knowing a bit of this information and feeling very pleased with myself….lol
Thanks so much for sharing that video! What an amazing gardener! You rock!
Thank you for making this available!
Thank you for posting this video, James. I saw it years ago and had forgotten about it. Very helpful!