This video shows the progress of sprouting sunflower seeds, from seed to sprouts, to harvesting them as microgreens. I use black oil sunflower seeds, organic. Follow along with me until harvest day, Day 12, and beyond to see if new growth appears. These are easy to grow and delicious to eat! Enjoy!
These are the sunflower seeds I use from Mountain Valley Seed company, also known as True Leaf:
Growing Trays from Amazon:
Love this video thank you. Just want to be clear on one step. After you did the first spray when putting the seeds in the tray you didn’t spray them again until day 3? Is that correct?
Did you put weight between day 4 to 6?
I've tried growing microgreens and herbs indoors, both in hydroponic "Kratky" method and in soil. I have big grow lights and a fan. Both have an issue with mold. Any idea how to avoid mold?
I'm new to your channel and love it so far. It's incredibly helpful to a newbie. I do however have one question. Why cover with black so they don't get light?
Great tip about not watering before harvest! Thank you
Do you have any other tips for storing them once harvested? Mine tend to get soft and wilted after just a few hours in the fridge. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you. I really appreciate learning this.
Hi dear, very useful presentation. How often do we pray water it?. Thanks
Nailed it! Thank you!! 1 question though.. what do you do to start the next round? Can you reuse anything/everything except new seeds?
I misunderstood and watered them too much at the beginning (spraying again on day 2) and there was some mould growth in my tray. My bad!!
Thank you for your vdo. A quick question though. When you cover the tray with a lid + mason jar from Day 1, do we still use the jar to give extra weight for day 2 and on once the tails of the seeds poke through?
Did you choose to not bottom water these? and if so, why? You were spraying them from the top, right?
Thanks for a well organized video- excellent job.
I did this and my dirt molded,, what did i do wrong?
This was the best youtube DIY video I have watched. Right to the point and answered every question I had without having to ask. Thank you. I love love Sunflower Shoots from the farmers market so now I too can make them. YUMMMY
Hey I loved your video, it is really clear and to the point. thank you.
Best microgreen video I’ve seen. Great job! I will be putting the tips to use tomorrow.
Could I plant these and get sunflower plants?
Yes, I enjoyed this video very much! I saw some beautiful sprouts under the bird feeder today. I thought that maybe I should grow some ORGANIC ones myself like the ones that are found at the farmer’s market.
Have you tried the sunflowers using the paper towel method?
This is the best tutorial I've found so far! I'm a total noob and will try this method next.
Thank you Tikki for this wonderful video. So very nicely presented, clear and concise. Thanks again. Such a gentle experience.
Was that a ladybug @4:38? Some call them manbugs :))
After you harvested them, can they grow again from the cut stems?
Can anyone tell me why sunflower shoots and microgreens are not sold in grocery stores as peashoots or any other salad green? Every source online says they're edible so I'm curious why they aren't sold everywhere? I've never even been in a restaurant and seen sunflower petals in salads etc.
Question: what day do I stop putting the weight on top of the tray?
Hello Tikki, I've watched your video – so informative and clear – and subscribed and now I am ready to get started. Trouble is, I can't find 10' x 10' tray sets like you use. Everything I can find have clear tops. Please let me know how I can find/buy the trays you use. Thanks!
Ok, sorry, I just saw the Amazon link you listed!
Damn. I never knew you can sprout sunflower seeds and eat them. It is crazy easy to grow sunflowers and them are resistant to deer and all kinds of critters. I don't even need fertilizers or compost. I just fertilize them using diluted human urine. LOL
After you harvest, what do you do with the soil? Can you reuse the soil below for a replant? Or do you need to do new soil below?
Hi Tikki, great video! Can you tell me how I can make my sprouts taste better? What kind of nutrients can I I add to the soil before or during growing? Many thanks!
Like, Like, Like.
There are different strategies to grow those sprouts.
Thank you for your video and experience.