June 8, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: TRAIL CAM FOOTAGE

  1. Hi mate, some good footage of your rabbit foe. I think it’s time to get serious with your fencing. Interesting stats on using pee as a fertiliser. I know Vivi from What Vivi Did next is a great advocate of it. Take care. Nick

  2. Well that is a relief in both senses of the word. I have 'watered' my compost for years and we ain't dead yet. It is of course easier for gentleman to achieve rather than ladies. We also empty the teapot onto the compost. I learnt it all from my Grandad and he lived to be 90 having worked down the pit until he was 70.

  3. Hi Adam, been waiting for the trail cam shots worth the wait. Visited my daughter's plot at the weekend viewed a notice which I thought, Adam would like this. Will attach it to a postscript to my next upload. Take care Mike B

  4. Thank you for the update on your trail cam and the night time activities happening on the plot without you. I guess it's better to think that your rabbit is stuck on your side of the fence…… hoping that it is a he, and not a pregnant she……

  5. You are very very close to 2000 subs mate (hey someone give him a shout out), and you have a lot of advice at your disposal. I think you should make a vid-poll and see what the subscribers say; "Carry on as if they aren't there" or "Whack the buggers with a big stick, feed them bubblegum or offer them a concoction of warfarin and arsenic." Could be interesting.

  6. Got my popcorn lol the music goes so well!! Awwww… The camera is cool… Vivi was on about this before and she does it a lot as far as I know lol you have to careful what medicine you use though say women who take the pill can't as far as I know. Maybe I'm wrong? That was really interesting talking about pee thanks 🙂

  7. That is both Good News and Bad News on the bunny front. Bad news:you DO have a bunny. However, good news: if bunny can't get OUT, that !sans your plot is pretty bunny-proof. You just need to help this bunny escape, and Bob's your uncle! Your veg must be damn tasty – that animal is mahoosive!

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