This tool is what guides me every year. Not only is it my most important, but it’s also my most valuable tool. After this video I hope it is yours as well.
My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!
We love you! BUT why do the jams on the desk change from three to two?
Thanks for sharing, Jimbo!
I have a notebook I started when I got into gardening last year. Notes from gardeners, on soils and a list of foods I like and want to grow. Pest controll and diseases.
This vid inspires me to go into my grow room and list all the seeds I've started and date them. My grow room is my small library room, I removed the furniture and pushed the book cases against the walls.
You have inspired me to talk to my son (who has a cam corder) about starting a vid of my naked yard and new bare root trees blank canvas as it were. My idea here is that I have nothing to leave my children or grandchildren when I ascend from this time of being but..lets film this part of my journey. The legasy I want to leave..all I have to leave is my journey into creatng a food forest, for my clan..this is me, this is my beautiful dream I dream for you my babies and this is my labor of love, and this love, this abundance of life and food I leave to you. Read my journal and care for this small piece of heaven on earth. In this sacred place I will sit with you, when you taste the sweet friuts of my trees, You are feeling my love for you. When you enjoy the bright greens and reds of a bowl of salad, you receive the dream of me, who I was and what mattered.
I rant a bit this morning…but James you showed me how to create this legasy, this gift so personal and nought only enduring but endearing..So much more so than a grave marker or ash in the wind
I can say to my beloveds, I am nought gone, I will be here always.
Thank you James for this gift you bring, the gift I will share.
good day to you James !! another awesome video
Hi James thanks for the video. I have just passed my Permaculture test with Geoff Lawton, but I also appreciate exemplary work done by gardeners like you.
This channel has more potential energy than a field of solar panels
I am getting excited for spring. I have been grafting trees but it's still too cold to plant them!
James broseff I am doing a 14 Tree Food Forest and am modeling your ways minus more raised beds, herbs, flowers and the mulch i do not mulch
Another great one. Thanks for making these .
I have used a garden journal each year since I started my tire garden. Because I have to deal with so many challenges here it has been essential to any success in growing my own food. My garden is year round so I also have charts of the garden for each season. I use a spiral notebook in the garden and make notes then transfer them to the journal at the end of the day.
Okay, I will start a journal…hmmm… what to entitle it. OH! I know…WAR AND PEAS
Thanks for the info James.
This is a really smart idea. I'm just starting the season on my first huge garden, and I bet if I don't document, I'll be kicking myself over it at some point. Thanks, James!
You should review other peoples BTE gardens on your show!
Wheres crash bandicoot! =]
The hay meme was awesome!!! Haha… really great.
Another great video as always James. Thanks for sharing these insights, I will try my best to put them into practice.
Great idea James. I’m going to keep a journal from now on! I never thought of it until you asked what if your father and grandfather wrote a gardening book about your property, it clicked in! Ding!
WOW!!!! Didn't realize how important a journal would be. Thank you
I would love to do a video channel on starting my new food forest just don't know where to start
You are a big help and thank you so much keep the videos coming.
I put your tips into my journal. Thank you James.
You are awesome!