June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Woodchip is NOT BAD to Mulch Your Fruit Trees Vegetable Patch or Garden

Is woodchip mulch good or bad for fruit trees and vegetable gardens? This video gives my opinion and awesome growing results through the use of woodchip mulch for more than a decade on our acreage property.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Woodchip is NOT BAD to Mulch Your Fruit Trees Vegetable Patch or Garden

  1. Even if it were true that they sucked up nitrogen, it's not like it's going anywhere, it'll just break down and go back to feeding the trees and bushes with more nutrients as well. Some people say ridiculous things just to make themselves feel better.

  2. I've been mulching our Blackberries and Raspberries w/ wood chips for 20 years, and just started mulching the vegetable garden a few years back. Wish I would have started sooner. I also started top dressing the berries w/ horse manure and they really like the Potassium.

  3. There is a famous old news story in the USA about a couple who were killed by a falling tree branch while sitting on a love bench. It's now a popular ghost hunting spot as the bench/picnic table is still there. O_O

  4. thanks for the video mate! should i put a weed barrier around the circumference of the tree and then put the mulch on top? i have grass around the tree now but i want mulch instead. thanks

  5. Mark, I just got a free dump truck of chips delivered today. I wanted to tell you that after watching your citrus video, I went out and bought a dwarf lemon tree. I'm in southern Oregon and so the lemon bushes have to come in for the winter, but it just grew two blossoms!!! I've only had it about a month! And yes I did mulch it with woodchips. I love all your videos and beautiful garden compound! You put so much love and care into your plants! Last year I had to start teaching geography (I am a Spanish teacher) and one student wanted to learn about Australia and so we learned so much about it! It was great! I just love the Aussie slang! Cheers mate!

  6. Hi Guys. I've recently cut down a few Pine Trees in my backyard and converted them into Mulch. Its been a few days and there is a bit of mold growing on the mulch. Can I still use the mulch around my Fruit Trees?. Will I still be able to use this mulch in say a months time?

  7. I would like to see a review of the old wheelbarrow and one of those new Gator carts if you are looking for ideas for future content. Thanks for providing binge worthy content for those of us working on our Victory Gardens.

  8. Organic materials used a mulch to no steal or take away Nitrogen (N). They use it and cycle it back into the soil. It can buffer your system somewhat. A little elemental N added under or in the mulch and help jump start the system to begin using the mulch.

  9. Composting wood chips do use up nitrogen. That said, chips on top of the ground cannot take nitrogen away from the soil. But tilling in uncomposted wood chips into the topsoil is a different story. You can still add nitrogen fertilizer on top of wood chip mulch and water it in or let the rain do it. some of that might be taken up by the mulch but even most of that will wash through into the soil. Once the chip mulch breaks down, it is the best food. Almost as good as horse manure, but without the weed seeds. Last, if you use chips in the vegetable garden as mulch in summer and then till them in for fall, they will finish breaking down in the winter and provide excellent organic matter for the following spring. Bottom line: wood chips rule.

  10. Hi Mark, Is eucalyptus old logs good to use for garden beds? I'm a new gardener, we moved to a property with heaps of eucalyptus leaves and barks on the ground but I'm not sure if it's good for gardening. Thanks in advance Mark.

  11. You are 100% correct everyone who thinks mulching with wood chips is a negative are fooling themselves. Mycorrhizae fungi and other beneficial tree fungi who will exponentially help their growth one of their perfect grow mediums are decaying tree trunks and dead trees. Those fungi with the root network of the tree will cause that tree to sky rocket in growth compared to a tree with no fungal associations. We all need to realize that trees in forests grow so sustainably is because they have networks of fungi they work with, we need to help that association in our gardens.

  12. I deeply mulch everything, with whatever is available, at the moment old lucerne hay and woodchips from council roadside trimming on the highway. It really makes a massive positive difference to plant health! As well as the obvious, it buffers soil temperatures, so they change more slowly, which protects plants from sudden changes.
    Woodchips don't rob nitrogen if they sit undisturbed on the surface, just don't dig them through the soil, and all good!

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