This is the time I have been waiting for all year. Finally my true passion, my food forest is waking up and the excitement level is through the roof!
My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!
Hi James I love seeing your garden at the beginning of the season I am also comparing some of the blossom on my fruit trees to yours. I do not have all my woodchip down yet as I have some very invasive hard to remove weed before I set my chips down.
Thank you.
Yes, food forest it up! I'll try to upload an update of my own. This time of year is a good time to show off the "bones" of a permaculture garden.
im startin year 5 now bro, prolly gonna finally be big
Kick ass guy! Lov it!
I am from VT and my son and I each have a food forest. We found your sight last winter and we both really enjoy listening to you and your videos. We are in about our 6th year and are starting to see our food forest coming to life, I am retiring in May and I am so excited about getting into this full time. We have made mistakes, but are learning everyday. Our passion is to get others to become as passionate as we are, and want to start their own. We hope to be able to open our forest as an example to others, and start some forums in our area to get others involved. You are an inspiration keep the videos coming. We love your energy.
James, your the man. You have truly inspired me. I am starting ASAP. Fruit Forrest right next door to you in Howell. Thanks bro truly appreciate you. Once or twice a week vids would be awesome. As things progress ill send you some pics on FB. Cant wait to get things growing!!
Damn I am getting excited!
No! Chickweed is one of the top nitrogen fixers and soil builder you can have. And it's etabel. It won't come back once your soil is healthier. Same with dead nettle. It makes lovely tea. Dry the flowers it's amazing. Healing you and your soils. They are short lived, dying out after the soil improves. Those weeds are an important part of any food forest!
Can you make a time lapse of the foot forest turning green this spring? Or at least regular video tours as it blossoms ?
James, everything looks great! I really get my 'climate envy' when I see how your food trees are budding out. We won't see that for at least a month! Even though I am a couple days behind your posting (YT games), I enjoy your channel so much, it is my 'learning channel'. You post as often as it is comfortable for you, I enjoy ALL your content, but I wouldn't want to make demands on your creativity. Happy Easter to You & Yours
Love it when everything comes back to life. Thanks for sharing, it looks fantastic.
I threw a cat through my tree, it worked well but the cat seems upset
I just subscribed. I love these videos and my favorites are the ones with the chickens. Please keep them coming.
Soo excited to see what is coming!
I am sure you have answered this question a million times, but I've obly recently found your channel. Love your videos! I was wondering how you learned how to do everything you are doing? Are there any books or online sources you could suggest? I live in zone 7b and my property bordered by a lot of really large trees which makes it hard to have a garden, much less a food forest but I really want to learn more. Maybe you have some resources that could help me build a mini food forest that could survive in partial shade?
Also please update us on the food forest a minimum of once a week. It's really awesome to see what your steps are and how you maintain, and of course my favorite is when you get to harvest!
i like what you said about letting your mistakes guide you, but what if I dont recognize the mistakes I've made? what if something I do just doesnt work out but I dont know what it is that I did wrong? And What if I do something wrong that lowers say production or survival chances of my plants but ijust think thats what its supposed to be like?
I like to see videos at least every 3 days! Im always coming back to watch.
Brother! I very much appreciate your dedication! Can you offer an insider tip on where to get quality, clean wood chips? Do you just call up local nurseries? Much love!
This is such an awesome system. Thanks for sharing
I really enjoy your videos ! You show and explain so much, and I love the sharing of experience and I learn alot with what you share!
I hope to see many more videos to come (: I would watch a few times a week for sure!
I'm also just beginning my food forest/homestead building on my small, .5 acre lot! I get very inspired watching your videos, thanks alot!!
I guess woodchips work on certain kind of soils. We have zone similar to usda 4, very wet and muddy area, hard wet clay and we have old hey rolls available fir mulching. Tried with potatoes last year and got some yield. But still looking for a convenient mulch solution for our soil.
Man, I'm in NC.. starting my food forest this year. Can you do a companion video.. give us an idea of what companion plants go well with specific trees? Also, How to layer the forest in a permaculture way?
Just found your channel while searching about persimmons.. I’m just starting a poly culture food forest/homestead myself in central NJ on 4.5 acres..
How often do we want to see these videos? Daily! Realistically, I know that you have a life outside of the garden so daily would be too much. Maybe every other day? Haha! Love your videos and I am growing this year because of your education! Thank you for that!
I want to see food forest videos a lot…I've been starting mine for over 5 years now but now with the right methods…finally bringing in lots of wood chips this year! Thanks James.
Woodchips alone are not enough, and they aren't meant to be. The reason they exist is for the mycorrhizal layer, the Internet layer. Leaves creating leaf mold on top of the woodchips provide weed shielding completely while decomposing 6x faster than woodchips. Also, leaves are exponentially easier to transport, manage and replace.