Never to late to start. I go over the first first year sharing how to INCREASE the LIFE & HEALTH of your PEACH TREE by Pruning in Back to Eden permaculture food forest garden.
Never to late to start. I go over the first first year sharing how to INCREASE the LIFE & HEALTH of your PEACH TREE by Pruning in Back to Eden permaculture food forest garden.
Hey Mark. I am also in zone 6b and am starting a food forest this spring. Which peach varieties have you had the most success with or which would you suggest?
Great film, thanks
This was really good I pruned today my new tree but now I see I need to take a little more to open it up more to the sun
4:04 I would have cut the stub off, too.
This is the most informative video that I have seen on pruning peach trees. Thanks!
Last year, the deer ate every single peach. How do you prevent that?
First part of video correct. The the first limbs are very important I agree.
My tree is 6 years old. It was in a big pot.This year I transferred to ground last September. It is doing well. It is like a cup in shape open in the middle, but it has 4 main branches not three.Should I remove one of them next year,or should I keep it? I was afraid to damage it because it is a thick branch.Thank you.
Hello, Just wanted you to know those pruning shears you are using are not called Lopers. Lopers is what you want to avoid. Look up the difference and you will see what I am talking about. Thanks for your demonstration.
Thanks for the tips. I planted 4 peach trees a few weeks ago in my back yard hoping for peaches in a few years. I am going to plant a few tress every spring. Watching videos like yours will definitely help me.
Good a beginner…
Nice ..
If I get you right: the fruit should come on 2-year wood? But if you remove all 1-year shoots, you won't have any 2-year wood next year…
Also – removing the top, leaving a stub like that, what will happen with the stub?
I knew to look for the three buds, but not that they only produced on the red wood. Thanks
After purchasing a one gallon potted peach this past winter, I transplanted it into a big barrell type pot. It is growing nicely but had lots of shoots growing down the trunk. It is early summer in Florida now, can I still prune the tree back?
one year from planting is NOT one year old tree
I thought we do not want to leave a stump like that, but instead, cut close to the branch below….to prevent dying back.
So to summerize… chose three branches and cut everything off them.
Just watched your video, very informative ! My peach tree is almost two years old now. I have not pruned because I wanted the tree to get established…I'm finding out now from the video I made a mistake. The tree really took off, it's about ten feet tall and bearing a lot of fruit. All that being said….can I prune it now ? I'm in South Jersey and it's June. Thank you and I hope to hear from you.
great tips Thanks Dave from Australia
Thank you so much!
Good instructions. Much appreciated. Just bought a reliance peach tree. Going to prune it today. My neighbor has a tree and never pruned it. Branches flopping over. He has 2x4s supporting it up.
Very helpful illustration. T.U
This was an excellent video. Do you have one on how to prune Italian prune trees or would you prune it the same as you did this peach tree? I just planted my Italian prune this spring. So should I prune it next year? Thank you.
Can I prune my fruit trees on winter? I'm bought lots of trees. Have zero knowledge about pruning and fertilizing. I thought just watering them. And expect produce fruits.
Great, thanks
Very good video. lots of great tips clearly detailed. I am sure you planed it, but in the end, it looks like you removed all of the 1 year old fruiting wood, so you will not really get any fruit next year, but will have good shape. I would have left a few of the 50cm red fruiting wood segments, like the fist cut after the central leader removal (4:30) looked good to keep.
Excellent, thanks, moved to Spain and new to peach trees after long years in Scotland. Great demo and I am off to the orchard to get started.