December 3, 2024

VIDEO: The French Intensive Approach to Horticulture and Gardening with Craig Siska

Craig Siska is a consultant teaching others about French Intensive – Biodynamic Horticulture and a former student of the late gardener and visionary Alan Chadwick. This introductory event covers the universal principles underlying French Intensive and Biodynamics, as well as the history and basics of these combined approaches to growing crops. Craig will also share wisdom imparted by Alan Chadwick, as applied to our modern human condition. This event will also serve as a preview to the two-day intensive we have planned with Craig in November 2018, where he will delve more deeply into the French Intensive and Biodynamic approaches. Explore the Alan Chadwick archive, curated by Craig himself at

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: The French Intensive Approach to Horticulture and Gardening with Craig Siska

  1. I so deeply hope that somewhere, somehow the Hebrew Scripture as originally recorded by people of natural, common means set to writ the entire design of sustainable Creation from none other than Creator, Who always remains the Source of Man's life and future. The further man moves away from Creator's original design, the closer to self-annihilation man comes. As that record contains the Final Solution to man's determined self-end – He steps in and reduces man's pride to ashes – all who are humble enough to pay attention to the natural order discover that Creator's Way for organic life is simple, easy to apply, massively constructive, and sustainable for eternity!

    I once wanted to know sustainable gardening, so I turned to Creator, and was directed to His local woods. No hand of man had altered that wild wood, and the entire diversity and bio vitality was astounding, but what struck me was that it was designed that way, WITHOUT man's interventions!

    That's when my next question was answered…

    "So, if I interject my natural intellect, can I work with Your natural design to create even better?"


    "Lead the way!"

    Today Creator's massively awesome biosphere with Man's tiny assist brings me and those with me abundant natural, densely-packed nutrient-rich foods and soil health bio mass.

    The seas provide chelated minerals and enzymes; the diversity of land plants add each species's particular nutrient accumulation, and the known and shared agronomy experiences over the ages that man has recorded combine to produce any garden that exploded with metabolism health for all forms of creatures.

    Simply kneel before the Designer and sustainer of Life, and apply His Design to your amazing garden!

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