June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Pt. 2 Update – BREAKING #1 RULE in WOOD CHIPS gardening. Can I plant directly into wood chips ?

Pt. 2 Update – BREAKING #1 Rule in WOOD CHIPS in the Back to Eden Gardening Method. 2 weeks later, This test will show us some interesting results Compare to composting leaves.
Watch NEXT – PART 3 of 4 LINK here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6hxG2MuJLM .

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pt. 2 Update – BREAKING #1 RULE in WOOD CHIPS gardening. Can I plant directly into wood chips ?

  1. So Mark… can I plant directly into wood chips without soil ? I have a 20' x 20" area about 1' thick of broken down wood chips that look like yours. I'm thinking about mixing this with soil and compost but would be a fair amount of work to do. Can I skip this additional step ? Thanks again for your videos !

  2. Great Duke! Field peas that I let seed out regrow every year. Also Heirloom parsnips and carrots re-sprout. The good bugs love the umbel shape flowers and I find veg. already growing the next year. Just leave a few in the ground overwinter. Here in Southwest Colorado could not do it without wood chips. Thanks for the great videos.

  3. Thumbs up for the Duke.Hi Mark,         It looked like to me the center pea pod, well the dirt on it looked webby. Does it look the same to you? Is that indicative of healthy soil? Cheers,          Bill

  4. I've had some success with planting potatoes directly in my woodchip patch. They were planted about 4-6 weeks ago and now they're up to about 6 inches. I'm still finding things to do with my Ryobi Rider.

  5. Wondering… are you still direct seeding in your winter wry cover crop? I have a healthy plot of wry and was thinking about planting into it. Any advise you haven't already given in your videos?

  6. Sir, new subscriber. I enjoy your videos very much. I have already tilled my garden and prepped for planting this year. Because of this crazy weather, hot, cold, warm, cold. Ive not been able to plant nothing but few rows potatoes. I have grass and weeds jus starting to grow again, this past weekend I went in and lightly hoed bout inch or so deep. Just enough to disrupt the grass and weeds. I don't really like the wood chips idea, I would like to lay straw thick on my garden. Could I / would it be beneficial to plant some type rye grass in the straw/hay ? Then every 30" or so save few inches for planting row. Thanks, I value your opinion. Wanting to transform my garden into a no-till garden.

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