September 28, 2024

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Catfish Harvest and Planting Corn

  1. Wow, really nice looking freezer, as you grew/raised most of that yourselves!! Great idea with the fish carcasses, that should feed those hungry corn really well! Nice to see the shorts out, it'll be a while before my white legs are blinding the camera, lol. Have a great Sunday :))

  2. Going to be some good supper tonight! Lots of tasty fish and quail ya have in that freezer. Good looking corn ya planted up. Looks like ya fixed that bed up real nice! Thanks for the tour. Hope you folks have a great day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Yummm ham & catfish!! Can't beat the price on the ham!!
    Great idear with the fish left overs, i might have to do that with some trout for my corn!!
    I hope all that corn produces very well for y'all Lea!!
    Darn cats always huh LOL!! Have a good'nnn

  4. Your garden plots are so nicely sectioned off and the brick outlines lend a professional look to them. Great use of the catfish remains. I've never heard of evergreen corn. Can you expand a bit on it. I find it very interesting. Thanks for sharing your skills at homesteading and self sufficiency with others through your videos. Hope y'all have a great day.

  5. Hello! How are you?? Believe it or not… i have never seen an entire catfish… :-/ but now ๐Ÿ˜‰ 121 stall evergreen corn plants is quite some business! ๐Ÿ˜‰ well done! Cheers, Simone

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