Good man, love your philosophy and your enthusiasm, great to see. Your vids are my favourite. The UK could do with more young people like yourself, I'm optimistic and keep the faith that one day it's gonna happen . . . Namaste
Great to see everything coming back to life. Do you have any issues with your almonds? I heard that they can cross pollinate with peach and this can cause bitter nuts? It's put me off getting an almond but I would like one…
You Inspired me to start my own you tube channel But i´m from Spain so is in Spanish Is about Garden Food forest and bees . Now i have only 5 videos but i prepare many of my food forest for the future. I hope you look My channel for one time (Lander De Bevere) and I recommend put bees to pollinate your trees.
An Almond in New Jersey? i would love to grow a few almonds. i am a member of the Elmora community garden here in elizabeth nj i wonder if i can start a community food forest? hmmm
"throughfall!!!!" bro…i totally feel you on the FEEL…of the bing. the bark…all of it! thank you for these incredibly inspiring videos!
Btw, no memes of the week??? I am not so technically savy as to do it, but maybe I will have to get one of my boys to help Dad out. You are the man
Good man, love your philosophy and your enthusiasm, great to see. Your vids are my favourite. The UK could do with more young people like yourself, I'm optimistic and keep the faith that one day it's gonna happen . . . Namaste
I like the tip about the reflection from the solo cups. Never thought about it.
What happened to Tuck? Looks like he grew a man body. Too many carrots. lol The garden's looking great! Thanks, James.
Thanks for another great video.
PA Lawn Guy. Great video James; always enjoy them and learn somehing.
Great to see everything coming back to life. Do you have any issues with your almonds? I heard that they can cross pollinate with peach and this can cause bitter nuts? It's put me off getting an almond but I would like one…
Another great video! Just finished watching all of your past videos. What a transition! You inspired me to start my own channel!
You Inspired me to start my own you tube channel But i´m from Spain so is in Spanish Is about Garden Food forest and bees .
Now i have only 5 videos but i prepare many of my food forest for the future. I hope you look My channel for one time (Lander De Bevere) and I recommend put bees to pollinate your trees.
Do you utilize plant guilds in your food forest?
Hey James. Messaged you on Facebook about stuff you might want to know!
Love the thumbnail & the song. GREAT choice of music!
An Almond in New Jersey? i would love to grow a few almonds. i am a member of the Elmora community garden here in elizabeth nj i wonder if i can start a community food forest? hmmm
woohoo meanwhile im trying to get everything done before the first frost comes im late as foo as always
honestly, when i vision my home, it would actually be like this right here. lots of trees with plants everywhere and a nice pond in the middle.
at this point i can only wish lol. check out my latest video bro. let me know what you think about my style of gardening lol
Dude! Total TuckCam at the 7:20 mark!
Great work James, and awesome usage of the larger woodchips (nothing goes to waste!)
So beautiful! I can't wait to start my food forest!
I love how authentic you're being at the end of the video. Beautiful.
Awesome as usual my good man!!! Great tuneage, and Tuck cracks me up!!! Would love to trade homemade brew for some plants
so tuck likes veggies too, he's as same as my cat lol
I got to know. What is up with the mail box? Lol
So what do you do with all that fruit
Where in Jersey is this? I'm in Northern Jersey so I love watching and seeing other zone 6 gardens!
You should try a hugel mound with that bigger shit
Doing good, you & Tuck & Camera person. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to all. Love Mr. Tuck!