March 28, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: what am i growing in my backyard?

  1. Good man, love your philosophy and your enthusiasm, great to see. Your vids are my favourite. The UK could do with more young people like yourself, I'm optimistic and keep the faith that one day it's gonna happen . . . Namaste 🙂

  2. Great to see everything coming back to life. Do you have any issues with your almonds? I heard that they can cross pollinate with peach and this can cause bitter nuts? It's put me off getting an almond but I would like one…

  3. You Inspired me to start my own you tube channel But i´m from Spain so is in Spanish Is about Garden Food forest and bees .
    Now i have only 5 videos but i prepare many of my food forest for the future. I hope you look My channel for one time (Lander De Bevere) and I recommend put bees to pollinate your trees.

  4. An Almond in New Jersey? i would love to grow a few almonds. i am a member of the Elmora community garden here in elizabeth nj i wonder if i can start a community food forest? hmmm

  5. honestly, when i vision my home, it would actually be like this right here. lots of trees with plants everywhere and a nice pond in the middle.

    at this point i can only wish lol. check out my latest video bro. let me know what you think about my style of gardening lol

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