March 17, 2025

VIDEO: The Beginner's Kit to Mastering Seed Starting – How to Use a Heat Mat

Heat mats are something many gardeners have but using them wrong can hurt your seedlings more than help. heat mats also do not have a thermostat so I show you a quick hack to increasing success and fixing this terrible oversight.

Kit components:
Growlight –
Digital timer –
Heat mat –
72 cell tray –
Seeds –
Seed starting mix (compressed block) –
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Marysville, MI 48040

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Beginner's Kit to Mastering Seed Starting – How to Use a Heat Mat

  1. I will be starting some flowers in seed trays later this week and I've purchased plug trays, germination soil mix, and heat mats with a thermostat. I am a bit concerned about where to place my seedling set-up. Is there an ideal material on which to place it? I'm concerned about the heat mat on certain materials posing a potential fire hazard – sadly I have yet to make cut flower growing my full-time gig and I am away from home for about 10 hrs each day. Where should I place the heat mats?

  2. Great information last year. Great information this year. Setting up my heat mat today to start my peppers and eggplant for zone 6. As always… you are the best !

  3. Does anyone know how much electricity this will use up. Will it bring the monthly bill really high because it's on for such a long time?

  4. What ever you do, please do not listen to his advise. Never ever, put cardboard on a heat mat, especially one this made from china. The claim that this mat is like 99% is true, this one is junk. Only buy a heat mat this is UL approved and made with USA raw materials. Very sad advise.

  5. I've been watching videos that use wet paper towels and zip lock bags to germinate seeds on a heat mat, but you are by passing that step altogether, I found my 3 zip lock bags of tomato seeds were baking real good next morning after the first night on the heating pad between some large towels. I guess I ruined them ?

  6. I’m a very new beginner. I’ve ordered everything you have recommended and a small greenhouse for starting seeds. My question is, I’ve seen people say to start seeds in a dark place such as placing try in a plastic bag. Is this something I should do? I’m starting tomato and peppers for now. I’m also in central Texas so we do get cold but not on a regular bases. Great videos probably the best I’ve seen for beginners.

  7. I like your vodeo's.
    I am 100% off gridd so a heat mat will not work for me, I have no generator or solar system.
    Everything I use has to have its own solar pannel.
    We have 2 solar shop lights which if I am lucky will last 4-6 hours will fully charged.

  8. Do you still need the cardboard if you have a thermostat with your heat mat? I have one on currently and it is set for 85. The soil is only getting up to 71 and I am wondering if it is because of the cardboard?


  9. Could a heat mat be used for a plant growing in a container that likes tropical temperatures but it's not that hot here? For example, water spinach likes hot weather but let's say it's only 60F outside. Could a heat mat be used under the container to raise the temperature? The plant above the soil would still be in the ambient room temperature which is 60F so really it would be just warming up the water and soil. How could the Water Spinach be kept indoors through the winter? Thanks!

  10. I never use a heat mat because I don’t know how do use it but I’m watching this but I still probably won’t ever use it now and if I move up to Des Moines Iowa

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