May 29, 2024

VIDEO: Winter Pruning our Orchard For Super Strong Healthy Fruit Trees

We are in the orchard pruning our fruit trees. We do this to ensure healthy, strong fruit trees that will yield TONS of fruit come spring. Check out our new clothing line!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Winter Pruning our Orchard For Super Strong Healthy Fruit Trees

  1. I always winter prune my fruit trees, but am never sure I am doing it correctly. It would be super helpful to have photos of your trees before and after pruning.

  2. I actually just pruned my two pear trees this weekend! They were planted by my grandparents in the 80's (the saying goes that you plant pear trees for your grandkids) and were unfortunately negleted for the last 10 years after they passed away. This is my second year working on trying to reshape them and they're coming along, but it's important to not prune too much off an older tree each year so it doesn't shock it. Worked on getting all of the suckers off and am trying to train some horizontal growth back. The Anjou tree is just really tall and working on getting it back down to size. The Bartlett is ust be a dwarf stock of some sort and is much more manageable in height.

  3. Luke, we drove to a home that was getting rid of all their juvenile fruit trees (they were just planted within 2 years) and dug trees up for our own yard. The couple had just moved into the home and did not want any of the trees. We brought about 15 trees home for free. We got them planted pretty quickly and put fertilizer for root growth on them as well as mulched. We're hoping most of them made it this year. They still had labels on most of the trees but some we dont even know what they are..surprise surprise! My question is what should I do to help them this year with giving them their best chance. Should I prune if they need it..wait since last year they had a shock of being dug up and planted in a new environment. Is it a good idea to throw more root growth fertilizer on this year? Any help is greatly appreciated

  4. I have an old peach tree that wasn't maintained for years. Since moving to this place I've tried to prune it but it likes to put out upward growing branches. The lateral branches produce fruit but snap off. I've been thinking of doing a heavy cut back, but afraid that will kill it. The main trunk is about 8 inch diameter and the main branches are 4 to 6 inch diameter…just about everything beyond that has snapped off.

  5. I have an inherited pear tree that the previous owners copiced (topped). So there are very thick (5-6" diameter) branches that were cut and now have 8-10 small branches coming out from the cut area. I am not sure what to do to help get the tree back into shape. Any ideas?

  6. The orange patches on the pear leaves are caused by a fungus called Gymnosporangium sabinae. To get rid of the fungus don't plant juniperus nearby. Love your channel. Learned a ton! Greetings from Sofia, Bulgaria

  7. Luke, When you do pruning videos, check your background first. The video of your pruning the Cherry tree had your neighbors tree in line with your cherry tree, and we had trouble seeing what you did, the same thing on your peach tree but not as bad.

  8. I have NO idea why someone would give this or any video a thumbs down! I think it’s rude, and you don’t have to watch it anymore, if you feel that way! Just something I’ve been thinking.

  9. Happy New Year. Tnx for the help on pear trees and water spouts. I pruned my fruit trees during winter and kept the cutting. I put them in crisper drawer for next year. Any video would be most helpful topic…

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