March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Baked Apple Butter Chicken & MORE!

Apple Butter Goes with EVERYTHING! Delish!

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Baked Apple Butter Chicken & MORE!

  1. i am a 52yr old.southern girl at heart( until the age of 10 I lived off and on in mississippi) but I was transplanted to California when I was 10…mama is a right southern lady(Mississippi) she learned to sew but not cook. so I have to find recipes from other friends. thanks for this recipe but is there a recipe for the apple butter? thanks for showing me the recipes that my grannie use to cook and now are lost but I remember the look of them if not the smell and taste. just not how to make them. my mama is in her early stages of dementia and don't remember how to cook I do it for her now. love your channel and some day I want to get land to raise chicken like my grannie and have a large garden to can it all . xoxoxoxo

  2. am always canning–and one thing I make is==cinnamon rubarb jam–just cook the rubbarb down and add all the ingredients you would for apple butter also now of day most do not make the open kettle method over a fire so one short cut I do is add a few drops of=liquid smoke and wow almost like my grandma made I use it for ham glazing and all sorts of things–hugs and thanks for the great video-God bless.

  3. Maybe its different because I'm on mobile but what on earth are the red blobs? They look like pomegranate seeds and I didn't see this anywhere in the video. Looks like whipped cream and pomegranate and bananas?

  4. Hello: Oh my the things you make me think about. Apple Butter on Meat Loaf, I'm not sure about that. But a biscuit, yes yes yes and salt cured country ham.

  5. Patara, we dont have an apple tree so i use number 10 cans of applesauce. so easy. I pour apple sauce in my enamel ware dish pan with all the spices and bake overnight (about 18 hours) at 200 degrees until reduced by one third. It will be dark brown. Put in jars and waterbath. Christmas gifts for all, 89 total jars this years. Love to do it. But i grieve over my jars so i just bought new ones for gifts. lol People that dont even can just love those jars. Only got one little jar back. I have quit expecting to get them back now. I just dont know what they are doing with them LOL

  6. Oh my goodness yum
    Love your sweet personality
    Southern sweetness love it and your accent so cute makes me smile.
    You made my day seriously. ❤️
    Coming from a California girl.
    Had to subscribe.
    I think you will soon have a 100,000 viewers.
    Look forward to the apple butter recipe.

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