June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Harvesting Beets: When, How, and Tips for Storing Beets

Learning how to grow beets is pretty easy, but a common questions is when to harvest them. Because they grow under ground, we often can’t see their progress.

We don’t want to risk taking our beets out too early as they won’t have formed solid beetroots, but if we take them out too late they’ll be woody and not great for eating. In this video we talk about the ideal time to harvest beets as well as some beet storage info.

As an added bonus, I pulled out my favorite beet variety from the garden, the Chioggia beet. These are absolutely beautiful. I also go into a bit of beet benefits, specifically beet tops.


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→ Simple pH testing kit: http://amzn.to/2aexc4l
→ Fancy pH testing pen: http://amzn.to/2fY6UqD

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Beets: When, How, and Tips for Storing Beets

  1. Hey Kevin maybe you can help me. I have been searching the Internet for two days on how to replant beets for seeds with no luck. I used all kind of phrases but with no luck. Will you do a video on replanting a beet to produce its own seeds please. Thanks.

  2. I cut up the beets and start them in a steamer…then I slowly enjoy cutting the greens and a few minutes later add that to the steamer… I put my home made fat free dressing on top and it's delicious…anything out of the garden is delicious….

  3. I'm new to container vegetable gardening and using grow bags on my uncovered very sunny porch. Growing beets for the first time, bought 3-5" plants and planted end of May. They are just about ready to harvest. Its June 21st in southern new england, 90 degrees today. Suggestions for what to plant in the container after harvesting these? It would have to be started in the container which could be moved to shadier spot if needed. Love your videos. Your one on shade tolerant plants inspired me to build a raised bed in a formerly neglected corner.

  4. I replanted a beet after the greens died, the greens came back to life. I'm going to let them die and regrow again. I'm a take most of the green, all the part with leaves.

  5. Hey Kevin, the way to pronounce the name of this Italian heirloom is KEY-O-JIA. Ch in Italian = K sound. Love the videos, I’m learning so much !

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