March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Pt. 3 Update – BREAKING #1 RULE in WOOD CHIPS gardening. Can I plant directly into wood chips?

Pt. 3 Update – 30 days later..BREAKING #1 Rule in WOOD CHIPS in the Back to Eden Gardening Method. 2 weeks later, This test will show us some interesting results Compare to composting leaves.WATCH NEXT – PART 4 of 4. Click LINK here: .

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pt. 3 Update – BREAKING #1 RULE in WOOD CHIPS gardening. Can I plant directly into wood chips?

  1. I don't have access to wood chips without buying them, as big as my garden is I couldn't afford that. So I decided to go with straw on half my garden. I planted some annual rye grass before I put straw down. I do also have few weeds under the straw. Of course I want the straw to build my soil…is this a good approach since I can't use wood chips ? Thanks

  2. I plant directly in wood chips once they turned dark. My flowers love to grow in the chips. If more time is needed before I can plant directly, then I just scoop out a hole, fill it will planting soil and plant.

  3. I have found that if I plant in my wood chips under where the birds rest the droppings of the birds make the plants go wild. The best I have ever done was 10 inches of leaves, then put 12 inches of wood chips. The leaves under neath composted into awesome soil and the plants went wild.

  4. Thanks for the video Mark, it would be interesting to see if the plants have the same nutritional value as their soil counterparts once matured.

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