Simple Answer to Why NO TILL Gardening Works BETTER with Mycorrhizal Fungi – Live movement . . You PLANT best friend besides YOU.
VIDEO: Why NO TILL Gardening Works BETTER with Mycorrhizal Fungi = Live movement
Simple Answer to Why NO TILL Gardening Works BETTER with Mycorrhizal Fungi – Live movement . . You PLANT best friend besides YOU.
That was really cool to see that. I hope you do a full vid on that.
Why delete it? That's really cool.
Why delete this? Love real educational material! God bless.
Very cool!!!
Good shot.. check my soil microscope videos @_mightymicrobes_ on Instagram.
I didn't miss it
Did I miss something? Really liked what I did see. I think you broke a record for short films. Keep them coming, thanks Mark.
So true! I love how you were able to show this.
Isn't life amazing?
Look at it flow. That is so cool.
We use EM-1 to restore our soil…works great!!!
That is really cool. Thank you for posting this one.
So very cool, but it was so short!
What happens to the areas that the fungi are not?
Mark, excellent… show more… You are the best on what you do and I always want to learn from the Best….
that was pretty awesome!
The REASON this is so SHORT.. I was ask by YouTube Homeschoolers – Please Make a very very short clip what you think is so amazing in the garden or gardening.. THANKS
I agree with others. It's fascinating to see it in motion. You are my guru …I always love watching your vids. I have learnt so much from you.
There's an article on Wikipedia that talks about invasive earthworms in North America. It said that worms can decrease the amount of associations between roots and mycorrhizal fungi. Have u heard about this?