In this video, I give you my 7 easiest and favorite herbs and spices to grow in your backyard food garden completely organic.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
Retiring from 25 plus years in the Army. Starting our farm. Thanks for the vids!
I enjoy your videos
Never knew lemongrass could be stuffed!
you are amazing, thanks a lot. I love asian foods and spices a lot.
Hello, I, Like all your Ginger ,Tumeric , Lemongras , Lemon Trees.. this plants you can make them for Tea Ginger, Tumeric, Lemon mix them cook it in small pot give it a try. thank for showing how to grow is fun to watch is growing great…
I’m going to need you to do some cooking videos
Steve Irwin lives within you till this day!
Love your video and love your garden. Most asian would grow all the herbs you showed and it’s a must!. I have mine grows too and now I try to experiment to grows herbs use for western cuisine.
where is this garden? I mean in which country? city?
I inspire to do what u do my friend …
Turmeric pickles? I haven’t had that yet but it sounds delicious and I’ll definitely make a batch!
Hot peppers are something I need to avoid: I don't really enjoy having my windpipe shut down and it's y'know, that particular allergic reaction tends to turn deadly, fast. May I suggest substituting celery seed or leaf? Does the same job, minus the allergic reaction.
Candied ginger is fantastic as an ingredient in ICE CREAM.
Mine Passed, my first Lemongrass, a bit too cold to surpass, yet not ehance your Immunological Abilities and Capabilities as l
Yet enhance, gardeners hands, my meaning of course these are effective to elude Diseases and other problematic ailments that as Essential Oils or other stronger Concoctions , Eat Healthy, Aye Mate
God bless Dr. aniherbalhome on YouTube for curing me and my husband from Hsv1&2 with the help of his herbal medication this is indeed a great miracle in our lives and we say a very big thank you to Dr. aniherbalhome…. you can contact Dr ANIHERBALHOME EMAIL:
"High grade cut of bee…." wait – is he focusing on the cat?! LOL!!!
Where is the cooking channel? Seriously, I am loving growing food, but I dont know how to learn to like some of it.
Kaempferia, Basil is still missing.
Which of these could grow in zone 7?
Great food knowledge fella, I think Asia misses you…
Love your cheerful presentation. May you and your family have good health always
Can't Wait To Try More Plants