March 27, 2025

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Potatoes UPDATE. YES, their Living Roots GROW/build Healthy SOIL..

  1. Just want say thank you Mark, for the great info on gardening. We here, my wife and I are three weeks behind in getting anything into the garden, it has been a swamp, and nasty clay is not fun. We for the first time be building on top of the clay, using your shared info, and The Ruth Stout Method. Thanks again, and best wishes to all the Gardeners on here……………………Ken & Beverly.

  2. Always fun to watch and learn from you Marc. Memorial Day weekend is when we plant Potatoes and most other crops here in the central Adirondacks (zone 3) and we have had some very hot and sunny weather along with little rain. No potato plants showing yet. I can't remember this many days in the 70's & 80's this early but next week is all rain with Tuesdays high forecasted at 53. Back to normal I guess.

  3. Good Video Mark. Thanks for teaching me how about farming. I have a small backyard garden. Spray them off with water. I love it. I'm three weeks behind here in the Adirondacks.

  4. Aww, that sweet face! Your potatoes are looking great! I'm glad you aren't using chemicals. Our ladybirds had a big setback from our cold snap, but are reappearing now.

  5. I'm doing awful on long island. Nothing is in bloom. Almost everything is below 5 inches still. Way to much rain and cold weather.
    My best plants thus far are jerusalum artichokes and Adirondack purple potatoes
    Really feel like a bad gardener

  6. I've been away for a while – what fun to come back and see that you're not really the invisible man! Mark, I plant clusters of amaranth around the perimeter of the garden that attracts the potato beetles (trap plant). They don't bother my potatoes at all!

  7. Nice to see your face handsome! Hope all that wind we had here in Jersey on Sunday didn't harm any of your crops. My garden plants were definitely a little beat up, but I think they'll soon recover.

  8. HoooooORaaaahaaaa!!!! Good to finally see you Mark. I've been checking in on you for quite some time now behind the shadows with you listed on my browser favorites folder. I could never comment or push any of the little cute buttons on your page because I just caved in to getting a Google account about 2 weeks ago. BUT NOW i get to say Hi and push that little thumbs up button. I guess they will give a google account to just about anyone now days. BwaaaHwaaaa. LoL
    Since this is my first ever comment to you then I just wanna say how much my wife and I like you doing what you do. I like bouncing my experiments and on the go learning with you on here and I love how you don't just believe everything told out there. You investigate and try to prove things right or wrong to and for yourself. That's what i take from your presence on here. Love and relate to some of your personal story too. Thanks for sharing bud, I just wanted to finally give you a big ole electronic pat on the back.

  9. You occasionally say "we" regarding doing things on your farm. I know your one son is in the military and the other lives with you as you've talked about before. Is it just you and him or do you hire some help as well?

  10. So I'd like to take a moment and say that yesterday as my wife and I were working our garden; which is about 1500 square feet I suppose, I was thinking about all the different gardening channels and videos offering advice. I've subscribed to many and then unsubscribed for one reason or another. I'd say ive unsubscribed from all of them for at least one common reason. That reason is that all of them have been too much about the channel owner rather than the topic of gardening.
    Maybe they all intend well, but the delivery is lost on me.
    My perspective on it is can a person start watching a channel and learn from the beginning how to start gardening? For the msot part I'd say no with those other channels. The reason being is they overcomplicate things. They don't offer evidence based information to help you understand what's happening.
    Gardening is simple but can become very complex very quickly.
    This channel gets to the science quickly. Mark shows how things work. How changes happen. Why it's important. He's not afraid to show failures.
    Zone 6 gardening can be a challenge compared to zone 8 for example. Constantly changing sun and rain conditions versus 320 days of sunlight.
    I just wanted to thank you for what you offer. I started watching you channel after having a fair amount of gardening knowledge handed down to me from my grandmother but you've certainly enlightened me on many things. Especially mychorizal fungi and all the biology of the soil. I was already onto the idea of no-till when I started with you but I've almost completely transformed because of you.
    Thank Mark!

  11. NH and Maine. 2 gardens. Seeds struggling or not germinating. Pests out of control. Crazy year for beetles, Lily red, potatoe beetle and one other, have not figured it out. Hand plucking. Had to treat ground with bacteria creepy crawlies bad. Have praying mantis pods for back up. I'm just ready to cut everything down, burn it in pit and really enjoy summer…..the real no work garden. I'm frustrated and loosing the battle. Hoping this winter brings a hard long freeze. Oh did I mention the mosquito and black flys are making it impossible to be out. Ready to take off to Bali.

  12. If a low container with potatoes looks like it migh be getting blight do I harvest early to protect the other two higher containers in other parts of the garden? Two are 1 meter tall the short on is only 30cm

  13. one of your older videos you were planting field peas with the potatoes for pest control. do you still do this or did you find it wasn't work or worth the added cost? ive grown potatoes 2 year with less then steller results looking to go all out and give it one last shot… think my main problem has been planting way to late. thanks for the informative videos

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