NEWEST DIY White Vinegar TEST SOLVES Weed REMOVER & PLANTS ( within 2 hrs ) in the GARDEN it WORKS
NEWEST DIY White Vinegar TEST SOLVES Weed REMOVER & PLANTS ( within 2 hrs ) in the GARDEN it WORKS
Mine just arrived, hoping this works for me too
Thanks Mark. I have been using 30% vinegar for 3 years with perfect success. It kills anything it touches so be careful where you spray. I have tried other vinegar remedies with soap and salt, but they never worked. The key here is 30% acidic vinegar. PLEASE BE AWARE, THIS IS VERY ACIDIC. IF IT GETS ON YOUR SKIN, IT WILL BURN (wash quickly with a little water and you'll be fine). IF IT GETS IN YOUR EYES, OR IF YOU BREATH THE MIST, YOU WON'T BE HAPPY. I recommend spraying when there is no breeze, or at least make sure you remain upwind. Don't let your pets walk on it until it has dried. Don't get the mist on anything you want to live. Also my experience is the same as yours: I usually see wilted weeds within 2 hours. Happy spraying!
Probably wouldn’t hurt to have some baking soda and water solution nearby in case it gets on your skin
can any help where to get 30 % vinegar i live in toronto canada thanks
I believe the plant you called thistle is Wild Lettuce. It does have tiny prickles on the ribs. Thanks for doing this experiment for us!
How would this solution work on siberian elm trees? I suffered a back injury a few years ago, that made me unable to tend to my back yard for several years. Over time I healed, but now I'm stuck with an overwhelming infestation of these trees and I really need to get it under control so I can fix my house up to sell.
People will never lean. The easy quick way is not always the right way. Any killer that get results so quick is just wilting the top of the plant. The roots are still alive. When the plant regrows itself it comes back even bigger because the root system got bigger and and is more dense. It is the same thing as burning the plant with a torch, it is instantly gone but it comes back even more dense. Ask me how I know this.
I've been adding salt and a little bit of dish soap too.. sounds like that isn't necessary! I just sprayed around the perimeter of our backyard last night and it is working. Even sprayed it on some poison ivy plants I saw. Not sure why people by Roundup when this works just as well and is safe (no need for hazmat suit to apply).
Hi Mark. Desperately in need of help here. Got my landscaper to seed a new lawn. Looks like not the best seeds were used and my new lawn is filled grassy weeds. Tons of options for organic selective broad leaf killers, but not one for selective grassy weed killers. So if I were to use a concentrated Vinegar based weedicide to spot kill, I am sure to kill a ton of my grass too and make my lawn look like it got chicken pox, as there's a million grassy weeds growing. I know there is not many options, but do you suggest I go ahead with a massive vinegar spot spraying killing/attempt? Will the lawn fix itself?
If 30% vinegar works so well, just imagine how 45% vinegar works. Wow………(I'm imagining that right now) wow…….
Anyone know of a good place to buy 30% agricultural vinegar that comes in 55 gallon drums?
Bought some potent 45% vinegar to apply to patches of poison hemlock around our property (zone 6a- Kansas)… fingers crossed. I really don’t want to use glyphosate or other awful chemicals. Hoping for the best!
I just applied 30% vinegar to the "friendlies" around the fenceline yesterday. All sorts of weeds. The one I was truly concerned with was the creeping charlie. Well All I have to say is RIP Charlie. All weeds vanquished.
While I have no way to repay you, i
I would like to direct you to tree felling vids by Reg in Canada. Go see a pro first. Once done, go checkout mishaps/amateur hour with cutting down trees. It seriously might just save your life or at least an expensive hospital visit.
Be safe folks.
Would you use this on your garden for weed control? Some say yes and some say no. We have a wood chip garden that we are trying to keep organic. But weeds have taken over certain parts. And it will be weeks before I can use my right arm because of surgery.
Have a new neighbor who insisted on using Glyphosate to kill her Ground Elder.. I used concentrated vinegar to show her it would work and be non toxic,. sadly she used the glyphosate.
The whole Agricultural Industry (from Orchards to Grain and Dairy Farmers) need to start taking notes and start some testing.
I saw another YouTube fellow who was suggesting that you need to use vinegar that's rated at 30% instead of the normal 5% solution. That particular guy though was really just trying to sell another product. He was saying that the 5% solution of vinegar wouldn't work. Not true at all. It worked just great. I mixed the typical ingredients of salt, dish soap, and vinegar together. I only made about half a gallon. I put it on the weeds that you typically find growing in the sidewalk concrete joints and maybe on your driveway. I did that Tuesday morning and today, Thursday I see that they're all dead. I didn't check yesterday or a few hours after I did it. This wasn't an emergency. I just wanted to get rid of the weeds in the cracks. So, 5% will work just great. That vinegar rated at 30% is a lot more expensive and you don't need it.
Thanks.. Good video. I'd add as a caution that the sprayer one uses should be all plastic, including the tip. Otherwise it is likely to corrode from the acidity.
How will this affect the soil around a mature tree? Will the increased acidity harm the tree (spraying on the ground, not the tree itself)?
Great video! I have liked and subscribed. I just made a video making homemade weedkiller ( and I was interested to see what others were doing. Well done and good luck with your channel
Does this dry up the ground also? What I am wondering is if you were to spray it in an area that you have other plants in will it just destroy the soil?
Will this be harmful to dogs?
Another good video.
I would try a flame at a building IF I had 2 helpers . . . One to put a 4' long X 2' high piece of dry wall against the structure when I have the torch close, another to carry 2 gallon jugs of water.
Both for insurance! 06/19/21
Amazon also sells 45% vinegar. My question is: Does it kill the roots?
if you are in the UK:
Be very careful that you only get organic vinegar because most vinegar is made from corn. Most corn in the U.S. has tons of roundup type pesticides. Very bad stuff, plus any over spray on your wanted plants is deadly. Yes, if you use too much you will damage the ground for future planting. I can see using this once on heavily weeded areas, so you can get a good head start, but after that you really try to keep on top of just pulling new growth.
Thanks for the video! I bought it and in a matter of 3 hrs weed was dead ! Amazing!