June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Harvesting Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn

We harvested our Stowell’s Evergreen corn today! We started some Silver Queen sweet corn in flats about three weeks ago. Immediately after harvesting the Stowell’s Evergreen corn today we cut down the stalks and transplanted our Silver Queen where the Stowell’s had been.

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn

  1. The corn is so beautiful. Your yard makes me so homesick for Tupelo. We always had a garden when I was growing up there. My mother was a single mom of 5 children ,we had so much good fresh food. I would love to live next door to you.

  2. That's some nice corn. Big Red was quick getting that worm lol. That's good that you can start corn in flats like that. You had a good harvest on the corn. Big Red almost got that ear of corn. Nice harvest. The rest of the garden is looking great. Hope you have a good day!

  3. Very nice corn harvest there y'all!! Nicely filled cobs of corn!!
    I'll take some roasted on the grill, some fried in butter and some creme corn hehehe!!
    Hope the next harvest is just as good if not better!! The 2nd batch started in the trays
    sure did get really tall!! Seems like Lowes & Walmart aren't carrying as many plants this
    year, but that's okay i don't really have the space, ground or pots to add on, but we make
    do with what we got and make the best of it!! Happy Gardening and Have a good'nnn

  4. Job well done with getting in your second crop of sweet corn. I too plant succession crops of sweet corn through out the season. I liked and subscribed to your channel a while ago. Not sure if you already subscribed to my channel but thank you in advance if you already did. Happy gardening!

  5. So tall, well grown!! You guys are making the best of your space. I had some fresh corn on the cob tonight at dinner. Its so good when its local and fresh!! Liked the way the chicken ate that grub. Thumbs UP

  6. Brilliant, Lea. Great harvest. Interesting to see how you are using your space to plant more sweetcorn. If it works for you then that's great – go with the flow I say. Red looks like he'd like to tuck in!!!

  7. nice you guys are serious, might try planting the seed right between the stalks of 1st crop, as ya cut the crop will provide room to grow. already rooted in place. fish pond water might also boost the corn. whatever works hey. thanks kids.

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