March 18, 2025

VIDEO: From Lawn to FOOD FOREST In 6 Years, Beyond Organic Gardening

Not your average garden




CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!


29 thoughts on “VIDEO: From Lawn to FOOD FOREST In 6 Years, Beyond Organic Gardening

  1. Such a great video…love the 2013 flashbacks, and little ol' Tuck! Awesome!!!!! and maybe i missed it, but do we ever see the cameraman?! hahahaha much respect to him for the awesome shots!

  2. Love ya James, but the "let's go" snap is so unsettling, imho. Not to sound lame, but in the evening is when I get to watch your videos, usually right before bed, and that snap gets me all anxious, like I need to be ready to fight. Maybe it's a Jersey thing? Meh, it could just be my hangup, haha. Anyway, love ya brother, just wanted throw that out there. Regardless of that little thing, you are rocking it and such an inspiration! Thanks again, i appreciate you!!

  3. almost……….50k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatta way to celebrate….with this clip in the beginning of your first video…and to see it all NOW!!!! please keep it coming!!! we are so INSPIRED!

  4. I plan on putting in berries prob next year? I think bare root yes? K..when in the best time to plant? How about fall? I have areas of morning shade and hot sun in the afternoon. Areas of hot sun from mid morn untill sunset. I have an area of mainly shade just outside the main garden I really want to use this space's shaded by my mimosa, what plants, fruits or other edibles do you think would do well. This area was filled in with wood chips last year, this was my beginning with you.
    I am so very grateful you are in my life James, you have changed my world

  5. Keep up the good work! I love your videos. Have you ever grown hazelnuts? I would like to add some to my new yard but I haven’t found many good videos about growing them

  6. I'm hoping you will answer, but will not expect it, already asked 6 other channels with no reply. I am very inspired by your channel and really want to try this. I have 2 acres of land, and started this a year ago on about an 1/8th acre. My plants did horrible. I was told it was because of the mulch I used. I live in Michigan, and where I am at is mostly pine trees, so the mulch I got was pine mulch with a little of other tress. Also on my property is WAY TO MANY Jack pines, and I was told they are sucking everything out of my soil and leaving nothing so this will not work. ANY info or help you can give me would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you again for your videos and inspiration.

  7. I’m on a 1/4 acre lot and I’m just doing away with all of my grass. There’s no point in growing a non-native, invasive, grass that costs so much to keep looking nice. I’m also on a hill, so I’m adding tiers and fencing it in to keep dogs and kids out. After I get the first tier completed, I may start making videos like you!

  8. How big is your 6 year old forest? About 3000 sf? And what is the ph of your soil? Mine is extremely alkaline here in central Tx–8.0-ish. Growing blueberries in wicking beds to control the ph…..

  9. I was surprised when you said you put down contractors paper under your wood mulch when you are preparing a new space. That stuff never breaks down and I have found it to smother and kill the soil under it, unlike cardboard which biodegrades. I am trying to find out how to prepare a new space in my yard, but I am wondering what will happen if I simply lay down wood mulch over the grass.

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