May 28, 2024

VIDEO: Harvesting Peas In July?!?! You Bet!

We are harvesting peas in a season usually not known for growing peas. Let’s see what we got!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Peas In July?!?! You Bet!

  1. Yeah absolutely do a garden tour! I can't have all the garden I want, so I rely on all you YouTubers to let me live vicariously though your gardens haha Thanks.

  2. I have mine going strong too. I saw in a Curtis Stone video that someone planted carrots at the base to shade the soil so I tried that this year and so far I have had lots of peas and am going to keep planting through the summer to see if it works get them to grow the whole year.

  3. I always enjoy your amazing videos, your garden always looks so great awesome & healthy, but I never knew that you can eat the leaves from snow peas, thank you for your amazing tips, and yes I would love to see a tour of your beautiful Garden

  4. Will try those peas next year. Not very hot here on our part of Vancouver Island. Berries, chard and lettuce doing well. Had first tomatoes. Thanks for information.

  5. We went plant based earlier this year too. You won't regret it, we feel incredible. You have inspired me to start a garden and now we have a ton of greens for so much less.

  6. Like a lot of the area, it's been miserable here in St. Louis, although the tomato plants love it. I have snowpeas planted alongside the tomatoes, so one of those pea plants has been getting some good shade that way. It's still producing. The others have expired.

  7. Every time i see your garden I get super excited! I can't wait to move to the western part of my state where we're going to have a huge plot of land for growing a garden!

  8. I grew sugar snap peas for this first time this year. Our harvest wasn't very big. We've had some very hot days here in Illinois as well and I think they plants struggled through that. But the ones we did harvest were absolutely amazing. So crunchy and sweet. I didn't know that the other parts of the plant are edible too though! I will have to try them in the future. I'm always trying to eat more plant based! It makes it easier when you can grow your own foods!

  9. Here in Canada, our peas are just starting to blossom! We have yet to plant snow peas, but plant a large number of regular peas. We had problems with tiny worms inside the pods last year so we were not going to plant any this year. However, we went ahead and planted them anyway. Any tips if we find any of these friends this year?

  10. Thanks so much for sharing! Seems like I can't grow peas in the hot summer time here in Florida, but in the fall they do pretty okay. Thanks for the tips like always love watching you. I've been at this for years now and I learned a lot from many mistakes I've made and issues that seem to arise weekly. Luckily a dear friend of ours taught me everything I know before he passed on and boy let me tell you he was a smart man! I have basically been growing everything ever since in his name. I hope to one day have a nursery and Farm, it is a dream that I've wanted my entire life since I was a kid picking apples off our apple tree. Gardening is a really big stress reliever for me! I can just go outside look at my beautiful plants and not think about anything but picking fruit and harvesting my veggies and herbs. There's nothing in the world like it! I will be planting many seeds in about a month or two so I can have a fall Garden, I'm going to add some more things in there too! Thanks for doing the video on your fall Garden, I will give different things to try.

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