Come and take a walk with me, friends! Today I’m showing you around our 4 acres homestead in Central Arkansas. This is how we currently farm, and these are our plans for the future!
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Your family videos are inspirational, entertaining and knowledgeable. You have really been a comfort to me and provided me with useful knowledge that I am applying to my veges which I have not grown before; thank you so much. I love your recipes which I have tried with some success (even if I say so myself!) This is new to me as normally even the dogs turn their nose up at my cooking; again, thank you, Please keep this all up as your great company. How is the leather work going? x Be happy and successful in all your endeavors and keep sharing your inspiration for years to come xxx
I forgot my manners…PLEASE XXX
I also live in zone 7b, but in Alabama. I am in the process of planning a garden. I saw the BTE film several years ago and immediately started dreaming up ways to use it in my suburban raised bed garden. I never dreamed I would some day have a small 7 acre farm way out in the country. This summer we moved to that little farm. I put my first bed down last week and panted bush beans for this Fall. I am having trouble finding wood chips. I have been looking for 3 years. I know Paul G says to use what you have available, but the OCD in me wants the same thing he uses, lol. I have a mulcher. I am considering mulching hay to use in place of wood chips. I know hay doesn't need to be mulched, but I want a denser covering. I will also be mulching leaves this Fall. I am very much looking forward to watching you build your BTE garden. Thanks for making such awesome videos
A gorgeous space
Compost tumblers are great for making compost in about a month. You can make your own out of 55 gallon barrels. There is great (visual) instructions for this on The Mother Earth News website. The barrels for free at Truck yards and City bus yards. They contain soap for washing the buses and trucks. They are easy to clean out for using. I got mine by asking if they had any. After explaining why I wanted them they were only too eager to give them to me. It never hurts to ask.
Goat math lol love it!
Oh do the wood chips you won't be sorry. I love it!
Why not use wood chips between your raised beds, you can usually source them for free, and it might contribute to a healthy environment for your raised beds by feeding minerals into the ground
does Arkansas have snow ???? if so be carefull how close to the road you put the bee's the garbage they put on the snow and the stuff the county puts on weeds will kill off bee's
We got our well pump from Craigslist. Got it for. $60. Great deal & it works great
Thanks. It's so helpful to learn from you. I'm excited that you're going to start building an old window greenhouse, bee-keeping, and gardening with wood chips. Those are all things that I'm super excited to learn about and begin in my space, so I can't wait to see those videos!
Loved the tour. I have a love for colored eggs too…I just know they taste so much better to me than regular eggs! LOL My latest attempt is Whiting True Blues and Whiting True Greens….so blue and green eggs. Also love your goats. I have just purchased goats…I/we chose two Lamancha/Saanan doe crosses about two years ago from a raw milk dairy (bottle babies)…and more recently 3 Lamancha does and a Lamancha bucket. I love your Nubians…the long ears really get me, LOL! Yours has such beautiful coloring!
I'm excited about your Back to Eden Garden! We just bought a house and we are planning on having our first garden in the spring and we are planning on having that same type of garden. Can't wait to see yours!
You and your husband are so mature and intelligent!! I hope all your children follow your examples. You are such good examples of how to live responsibly. Thank you for sharing your lives.
You should also look into the Ruth Stout method. She used hay as a mulch, deep hay. There is you tube of her done in her old age.
Oh mighty god thank you for this incredible woman I chose to follow for her knowledge of gardening and more, thank you for sharing bless your beautiful soul.
Have you tried digging a small hand pump well? Much cheaper
I think this is the earliest video of your that I've seen. Fun to see where you began, Good to see all you've accomplished.
This is so cool to see considering where you are now
When I watch you, I think about the raspberry bushes we had growing up. You keep saying back to.. is back to Eden or eaten?
In our world, I am the dreamer and Dave is the finisher…he often makes fun of my "I've been thinking…", but he comes through with amazing results that usually surpass my expectations! Still holding off on watching any more updated garden tours as I want to watch it grow into the beautiful space it is now. ♥
Wow, watching this May 2020 and it's such a trip to see where this garden started!
I think this is the first time that I have seen the entire front of your house
Youve literally been keeping me company all day through chores and cooking and single momming. I harvested wayyy to much peppermint this morning and it took me a few hours to get it into the dehydrator lol. I have the same one you do
Ended up having to hang some to dry as well. Weird bugs got my garlic and I had to harvest all of that today as well. Win some and lose some. Thats gardening! Thanks for being you! (Loved that video, i forget which now, but its got a goat screaming in the background at the beginning. Soo funny. I was totally wondering to myself the other day if your goats did that lol)
Watching this video in November 2020. The changes in your farm are amazing, thank you for inspiring us!
Got really into watching you this summer. Sooo interesting to see what the property looked like back then and how far you have come. You talked about rain catchment and rain barrels. I guess that never materialized and i would be interested in why.
I am always so encouraged by your videos! We are moving to our 4 acre property this month and we have so many plans!!! Dreaming of our small farm and learning while we wait!