You all have asked for a step-by-step tutorial in making mozzarella cheese, and here it is! I’m showing you exactly how to make mozzarella by using our raw goats milk from our home dairy. BUT since I know you don’t all have access to raw milk, I decided to do a little experiment using the cheapest store brand cow’s milk my grocery store had to offer? Will it work?
Here is where I originally learned to make cheese this way:
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Can I do less milk?
This is so awesome to see. Thanks for doing the comparison.
Wonderful video and thank you. I wonder if organic milk from the store would be better than regular milk.
If someone doesnt use a microwave…what do you do instead?
I love what you say about the dishes! Love it! Forget the dishes!
Great video. I think I will give this a try with whole milk. I don't have any goats. Your dinner menu sounds yummy!
To increase your yield, you should wait at least 15-20 minutes and up to 30 minutes before cutting your curd. Wait until you curd makes a clean break. Look for «curd clean break» on google to know what to look for.
Any advice for those of us who don’t have microwaves? It looks so yummy!
Thank you for trying the regular milk. Really helpful.
Love this! Will have my son make this this week for homeschool culinary class hehe Can't wait! Thanks for all the videos wish i had time to sit down and watch from video one until now but keep watching new ones when i see them
What does raw goat's milk taste like? Is it gamy/funky like goat's milk cheese? You said that the mozarella tastes just like cow's milk mozarella.
This is awesome! Thanks for doing this experiment. I've wanted to make mozzarella for years but just haven't because I can't get the right milk.
You make cottage cheese with sour milk.
Is there an alternative to microwaving? I don't have one lol
Do you think there's a way to do the microwave step without a microwave? Maybe in an oven? What would you suggest?
I've made homemade cheese and yogurt…
If you put your finger in it and it's warm in the count of 5..
It's ready
Cheese cloth is your friend
You can also preserve in a jar with olive oil.
This is the first video I ever watched of you. I've never forgotten it. I'd still like to make it.
Hi Jessica, I love your videos. I made mozzarella today from goat milk, I got 9.8 oz its perfect mozzarella cheese easy to make I love the recipe. And my family love the cheese. I never made any kind of cheese in my life.
I can't wait to try this!!
Thank you for sharing this video it's now saved to my favorite videos. I'm going to make this.
Have you ever made soft goat cheese? Wondering if it would be all except the heating stage at the end?
I do wonder if you didn't microwave it enough. As you said, it made a lot more curds, so naturally it would take longer to reach the stretchy point.
this make home mad pezza
Just the video I was looking for! Thanks Jess!
I think the difference is pasteurized versus ultra pasturized
I think your supposed to add calcium to pasturized milk?