CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!
It's a nice garden, a good system, and I like the philosophy, but your fence around the garden says something about life too. You're keeping out as much animal life as you can except pollinators.
Seeing the density of the 7 year old forest next to the new one – it truly has become a forest and I don't think anyone can doubt that your system works. Love your videos
Amazing message and amazing food forest! Just found your channel today and I am so glad. I am also from New Jersey.
What are the plants with long skinny stalks and fuzzy-looking tops? I have had some of them scattered in my yard mostly around the edges of my little woods area. I thought they were weeds so I pulled them out. If they aren’t weeds, what are they?
I planted a small garden about 4 weeks ago. I am using your idea, James, of staking tomato plants. I’m also using tomato cages to get the vines off the ground as they grow up and securing them so they don’t droop down as they have more weight to them.
Please visit Thank You!
Thank You, James Prigioni
Love the video I want you to come to New Zealand and do my back yard
I love the long videos I want it step bu step so I can do a food forest here in Georgia!!
Que hermoso sería que este canal tuviese Subtítulos en español :'(
hi mr.prigioni,,,,,,i just starterd gardening this year. i build 2 rised bed garden fro onr of you youtube shows. everythink is growing great. i would now love to start a grape in my yard. two time i losted my mony by order online trying to get a grapevine to started with. i was hoping maybe you can sell me a few cutting from your vine are maybe a little vine to start with/// thank very much
Your food forest is amazing!
Can you make a video about the right way to apply dry molasses to a vegetable garden/food forest? I can't find concrete information on the right way to do this. For example, I don't know if is best to burry it into the ground or leave it on the surface of the dirt so it stimulates beneficial bacterial population. Also, I'm not too sure how much to use per square foot.
I planted 12 blueberry plants in my front yard and wood chipped them in nice and thick last month. Can I plant strawberries in the same are as cover crop? It’s a spot about 15’x 30’ hoe many strawberry plants should I plant in that space?
I love and look forward to watching your videos. They inspire me greatly. Pretty sure I'm addicted, keep them coming , thank you and God bless you and Tuck
First time commenting long time watcher! Your a stud and keep up the vids. I’ve learned so much on your channel and continue to do so. You rock bro! Tony Love coming to you from Spanish Fork Utah! I’m out!
Tuck, once again, on cue!! Loved the video, so inspirational. When I am just losing interest and forgetting why I started! Thanks for the reminder!!
That is amazing. You do great work!!!
This is s true inspiration. I must ask, what the size of the lot your food forest sits on?
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
How many square meters is your garden? Can you grow enough food all year for one person? Or do you still have to buy food in stores?
Mais vc vende ou e pra seu consumo lindos os tomates seu per de ova
Thank you for all your videos. I've watched this one before, but this time I caught something new – the grapevines being used to shade the greenhouse during the summer. I was just given some windows to use for building a greenhouse, and I've been trying to decide the best location and method. I hadn't thought about putting it just east of where I planted the grape vines last fall and plan to build an arbor this year.
Your inspiration to those who don't have property to find someone who will allow them to garden on that person's property – amazing. We have a neighbor who doesn't have the space or means to garden. Last summer, my 5yo shared the first fruits from her garden plants with him, as well as eggs from her chickens. This past week, while I was at work, he did some raking in the garden space I'm developing. He came by yesterday to tell me that he's ordered some hay for our goats. Keep building community. We all need it.
I am slow getting my town lot to produce as much as I would like but I am working on it.
WOW! This aged well!
It might be silly, but I had to pause the video and just stare at the 7+ year old food forest! It is so beautiful!! I hope to have my food forest looking like that in the next few years. Our property is in a low spot so we have a ton of water. We are building up the soil in the food forest using whatever we can get our hands on – wood chips, hay, leaves, compost, etc… So far it is working beautifully! Where there was once standing water, it is soaked up. In some places, we can still hear the clay soil releasing water under our feet when it rains real hard. But that's ok, our food forest is only a year old. Even so, this is the first time that we have grown so much on our own property!