March 15, 2025

VIDEO: How to Plan a Fall Garden (and Second Summer Planting) | You CAN Grow Food! | Roots and Refuge Farm

Today I’m sharing with you my process for planning and scheduling my fall planting, and I’m telling you why you SHOULD plant a fall garden!


Sorrento Broccoli Raab
Green Sprouting Broccoli
Cabbage Red Express
Cabbage Brunswick
Cabbage Cour Di Bue
Cauliflower Rober
Cauliflower Purple
Kohlrabi Delicacy White
Brussels Sprouts Long Island Improved

Radish China Rose
Radish Long Spanish Black
Radish Cherry Belle
Radish Watermelon
Beet Crosbys Egyptian
Beet Bulls Blood
Turnip Golden Globe
Turnip Purple Top White Globe
Carrot Cosmic Purple
Carrot Amarillo Yellow
Carrot Oxheart Orange
Carrot Danvers 126 Half Long
Carrot Purple Dragon
Carrot Scarlet Nantes

Green and Leafy Things:
Swiss Chard Perpetual Spinach
Swiss Chard Bright Lights
Swiss Chard Fordhook
Kale Blue Curled Scotch
Kale Lacinato (Dinosaur)
Kale Tronchuda
Endive Full Heart Batavian
Greens Salad Burnet
Lettuce Marvel of Four Seasons
Lettuce Burgundy Boston
Lettuce Merlot
Greens- Red Orach
Spinach Bloomsdale Long Standing
Spinach Monstreaux de Viroflay
Collards Georgia Southern
Mustard Giant Southern Curled

Magnolia Sweet Tendril Pea
Mammoth Melting Sugar
Wando Pea

Second Summer Planting:
Cucumber National Pickling
Mussoorie Cucumber
Cucumber Parisian Pickling
Zucchini Verde Chiaro d’Italia
Zucchini Ronde de Nice
Squash Summer Golden Crookneck
Pink Eye Purple Hull Peas
Bush Bean Jade
Bean Dragon Tongue
Bean Borlotto di Vigevano
Bean Scarlet Runner
Bean Calypso
Pole Bean Kentucky Wonder

(I’m still nailing these varieties down, and may add or remove some things! As I am certain I’m going to plant things, I’ll add them to my calendar according to how many days before frost they need to be planted.)

My Favorite Seed Companies:
Baker Creek:
Seeds Now:
Trade Winds Fruit:
Fruition Seeds:

EASY Planting Chart on Almanac:

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Plan a Fall Garden (and Second Summer Planting) | You CAN Grow Food! | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Love your channel just running upon cuz I finally got my homestead and been cleaning since Feb. Finally getting to my fall layout of where I want to put my garden. I got my Big Garden layout but on another video you talk about starting small so I found me a spot by my home and I got tye vig garden a lil bit farther from house but not too far. May be 150 yrds+ from house but catercorner of my chicken coop so it will be in sight when i am tending to chickens. Thanks much. Also gone do is Horizontal growth listening to you. im in zone 7b in Northeast MS.

  2. My fall garden in Mi. I started in Aug. and Oct. New seeds in Nov. were slow but were up before mid Dec. Covered this area in leaf lettuce and endive. 2-3 coverings of plastic for the winter. the fall garden that wasn’t meant for harvesting after Oct. and Nov. were started in Aug.———Pac choi, endive, kale, lettuce.

  3. I absolutely love this video of You Jess. It is jam packed with information and support! This is my number one Autumn vlog before my seedlings and planting. Unfortunately in Australia we cannot get access to the Farmers Almanac planting info as it will not accept our postal codes (zip), but love the rest xx

  4. I've never had a Fall garden before. We live west of you – a few hours. The thought of gardening in pleasant weather is REALLY exciting. THANK YOU.

  5. The tip about rooting cuttings from tomato plants is a great one. One question though, can you do this with determinate tomatoes after they are finished fruiting? It occurred to me that the suckers might have finished fruiting as well and would not be eager to start over again…

  6. I have a bed that keeps on being ripped up by chipmunks so I keep on planting a few different things in there to replace – very little clue now what's growing. I think I have a radish that has bolted – not sure. Could be some kind of green or a kohlrabi It is gorgeous and huge with pink flowers.

  7. I decided to go back to the start of your families time on you tube while you are preparing for your new adventure, and I have to say I have half a few good giggles! Your herd of two goats! I just thought to myself "you have no idea what is coming!" Lol. It has been nice to see your growth and the positive changes you continue to make after all these years. I feel that sometimes it is good to move forward and learn and sometimes its important to take it back to the beginning and follow the steps. I have been watching your channel since spring and I feel so blessed to have found you! I agree with most, if not all your growing practices and am so grateful for the chance to learn from all your experiments. For me your life on YouTube is like a great book, I can seem to put you down and I'm learning so much it keeps me hooked. I feel like I jumped into the story in the middle when I randomly started watching this spring and now that you guys are moving I wanted to read this book front to back… If that makes any sense! This video really helped me to realise how much potential growing time we still have and the waste it would be not to take advantage of it! Good luck with your move and I am excited to start the sequel along with your family, I bless you to Jessica.

  8. In Michigan moquitos not only could be our state bird, they fly in flocks, in military formation! Do you have any tips for fighting ants in the garden? I've tried borax and sugar and got some a little closer to my bush beans. They are very unhappy with me! And I lost a few. And I have some kind of teeny tiny bug that is everywhere.

  9. Late to the party… but planning July planting. When you mention peas, which kinds are you referring to. Purple hull, black eye, green round peas??? I want to plant some peas, but a little confused as to which ones still have time to harvest before hard frost?

  10. I accidentally cut a tomato branch that was loaded with flowers, so I took it inside and put it in water. (in a Dunkin Donuts cup, no less) It continued to grow…. strong plant….. and most of the flowers produced tomatoes. I let them ripen on the branch. This was a total surprise to me, I never knew they'd do that, once cut.

  11. First year I've been following you! Thank you. I also put my Banana Peppers in spring but they grow until frost. My deter toms are done. As well as my interdetermient ones too. I got 2 free pots now. I'm gonna plant cucumbers & squash.

  12. Thank You for this video! I know you no longer live in Arkansas, but these videos help me as I live in NLR. Lots of other channels are from other places than AR and don't help me at all. i also enjoy your style of communication and you sharing your knowledge from your experience is a joy!

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