March 27, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Ways To Make Money From Your Backyard Garden

In this video, I give you my 5 top ways (+ a bonus) to make money from your backyard garden. No matter whether you’re a casual gardening, a beginner, a career farmer, or something in between, there’s nothing wrong with making a few bucks doing what you love!

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Ways To Make Money From Your Backyard Garden

  1. Jeff, Another great video. Just another option for you is to grow starter plants from cuttings, at some point in the video you mentioned the blackberries taking over the yard.
    Take some cuttings and start some plants to sell they charge a fortune for berry bushes at the garden centers. You can also take cuttings from herb plants to propagate also it's quicker than starting from seed. This permaculture farm in France is very inspiring the video has English sub titles so you can follow the story enjoy!

  2. I've learned a few things watching this video, as well as some of your other videos. I live in zone 8a and was wondering about selling starter plants. Can you do a more in depth video on when to start certain varieties of plants so they will be ready by the best selling times for different zones?

  3. this video should have wayyyyyy more veiws and likes and shares and subscriptions than it does. some amazing well put togeather information. you should have 200k + views off this video in my opinion with the amount of effort you put into making this. anyways thanks for all the great information!

  4. Excellent video content! Forgive me for the intrusion, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you heard about – Parlandealey Impetigo Goodbye Process (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is a good one off guide for finding some amazing landscaping designs for your home minus the normal expense. Ive heard some great things about it and my mate at last got great success with it.

  5. I am seeing so many channels telling people to sell plants. Could be bad advice. In most states you must become licensed to sell both plants and seeds. Viewers should be aware that the department of agriculture can get hot on your trail. You must be an inspected facility to legally sell plants. The sale of seeds is also something that requires regulations. These laws help prevent the spread of disease and pest. Also, where do you live? Selling processed foods like salsa is a no no in most states. Have fun growing, but do your homework, and be precautious. Please check your federal laws and state laws. In my state, any plant or seed grown without the proper licensing , can be subject to confiscation on the spot. I knows states differ, but federal laws do not. Also, each plant must also be properly tagged with some pretty explicit information.

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