May 28, 2024

VIDEO: How To Grow Unlimited Basil From Cuttings (2019)

Basil cuttings is the easiest way to get free unlimited new basil plants! In this video, I show you how to grow unlimited Basil from cuttings in the easiest way possible. One single Basil plant can multiply into a dozen plants in less than a month. NEVER buy Basil again. Basil is one of many herbs that is so easy to root from cuttings. Simply cut the stems with 3-4 leaf nodes and place the cutting in a container of clean water, covering the last node. That is where the roots will start to appear from!

I propagate Basil from cuttings in the fall and the winter simply because it is faster and more reliable than seeds during the colder months where I have to grow Basil indoors.

Check out this killer DIY potting mix:

Other plants in the Herb Series – Rosemary:

Great, safe foliar feed solution…safe for herbs!:

Vegan Pesto recipe!!:

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Unlimited Basil From Cuttings (2019)

  1. One trick I've picked up for using tap water is a little vitamin C powder will clear out chlorine or chloramine almost instantly. I do mean a little! 1000 mg will dechlorinate a full bathtub. A store brand is pretty cheap, too.

  2. Great video! But here the question I can't find the answer to anywhere. Do you trim on only green stems or are the brown woody stems ok also? I rescued a basil plant from my neighbor who was throwing it out due to cold weather. She didn't harvest/trim regularly and it's overgrown with woody brown stems. Green only or is brown ok?

  3. Hi! Was wondering why you push the seedling so far to the bottom of the pot? Don't the roots need space to grow? Also, how long do you keep them in those pots and know when to transplant them in a garden or container? Thanks for this video!

  4. Can't wait to do this. We have a pet bunny who loves Basil as a little treat. Now he can enjoy it home grown. Thank you so much for all the info. and I will be back for more growing tips.

  5. you said to keep newly potted plants in a "cool" spot. So… less than 70 degrees? not in a south facing window in a house? no direct sun outside and temps less than 70?? thank you this video is VERY helpful!!

  6. Wow, that answer my failed cuttings form before. I'm very excited to try it again with your method.
    Thank you for the very detailed tutorial. Will be back for more!

  7. At 7:39 you said "it doesn't matter if you scar the stem". "where you scar the stem likely that's where new roots will pop out." How do you scar the stem? Does pulling off the leaves count as scarring?

  8. Hey! Thanks a lot for this video! Possibly the best video I could find on growing basil from cuttings. My only question is, what happens to the plant we are taking the cutting from? do they regrow? or die?

  9. Great video, Jeff! 2nd time I've referred to it and was checking out your channel and noticed you have new smile! You look great! I planted some cuttings yesterday and have more cuttings growing now. Looking forward to lots of pesto soon! Btw, I noticed some mosquito pupa swimming about in your water (10:5110:57). Hopefully, you have basil roots and can dump the water before you have hatched mosquitos!

  10. Thank you so much for this wonderful and super helpful video. Me and my husband are really happy with our basil. We have recently planted the new batch from cuttings. It is amazing how those little buddies are growing.
    I have one question about pruning. I may have pruned my basil a bit too much. I have a strong main stem, but can't see any nodes, just very few tiny leaves on the side. Can that stem be saved?
    Thank you for your videos and for any help with my question.
    Keep up posting more great videos. 🙂

  11. Hi Jeff, I'm feeling I lucked out. I love basil and it seems to be sticking is tongue out at me… geez… both cuttings and starters are doing poorly. Cuttings — It's day 15, the stems are going brown and there are some nodes, at a stretch 1mm… nothing like your wonderful root nodes, or roots. I have 24. One is exception. This one is the only flimsy like cutting. Rest have strong shoot, eg 3mm thick. This one nodes appeared on day 7, now they are going brown rather than stay beautifully white. Just that one. I've changed water. They are southern facing window sill. It's super hot here. So am think failed….I start again.go but another basil plant and take cuttings, this time look for one with flimsy stem, versus string 3mm stem…

  12. Hi Jeff presoak for 2hrs. Once transplanted the seedlings into 4 inch pots, using your potting mix (containing Alfa meal) — do I water from bottom up or they will be ok for 2 weeks?

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