June 10, 2024

VIDEO: I AM SO MAD || A Garden Devotional | Roots and Refuge

John 10:10 – The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: I AM SO MAD || A Garden Devotional | Roots and Refuge

  1. Jess, I know this video is 2 years old, and I am not sure if you will see this comment, but His timing is perfect as ever. I have been following you for about a year now and just found this devotional, and I am sobbing in my car as I write this. Thank you. Just … Thank you. ❤

  2. I so needed to hear that, lost my mother in law, then my beautiful mum within 3 weeks, then 5 days later lost my pet. house continental giant rabbit, had him years (was more like a dog), and I have been so lost and losing my way xx thankyou for making me feel god within myself again xx

  3. My gosh this just had me bawling …I've been on a roots and refuge binges in the last few months again …so many I have not seen sinc ei only found you a year ago and been following you since …I've learned so much on your farm …you have been succa blessing in my life and I thank you!

  4. I am seeing this in April 2021, the globalist NWO has been busy attempting to kill, steal, and destroy. We need to fight back and hold the line. Whether you are christian or just a moral human hold the line against the evil that is the NWO. It is time people, the evil ones have been attempting and in many cases beaten good people down mentally, morally, and now economically. The evil NWO final step will be physical unless we hold the line of faith and defend our country and faith. Hold fast people. It matters not whether the globalist freaks at youtube see this and take it out or shadow ban it. I have stood up and am holding my line. I have let it out of my soul. Do your worst, you evil globalists and its toadies and minions. There are many of us and evil cannot stop us all or stop faith. You lose globalism.

  5. This is not the first time you have brought me to tears with your words. The strange part is that I am not religious. Your passion and devotion are admirable and enviable. I was brought to your page through my love of gardening but I am starting to believe that I am here for something more. I have been in a season of loss and despair for a long time now but through your words I feel a part of my soul awakening that I thought was long gone. You have helped me realize that we have choices in how we respond to the bad things that happen in our lives. You taught me that we need to show grace to others even when we have to work hard at it and that even when it feels like you can't take one more thing going wrong we have to choose to believe that things will indeed work out in the end. Who would have thought that Youtube and your channel that I found for gardening tips would help me change the course of my life. Thank you is not enough. I am forever indebted to you Jess. You have a beautiful gift. Thank you for being brave enough to share it with us. The gardening bit is pretty epic too 😉

  6. This brought years to my eyes and lightness to my heart today. I love seeing your passion, in all it's tones and arrangements. Hope this spirit stays with you and your family through this year's transition and transformation. <3

  7. God is so worthy, this is an old random video but today it was the FIRST on my homepage. This week my farm has experienced some loss as well i have had a opossum i raised from a baby for the last year he has lived in my home with my dogs until Saturday night. For the first time in a very long time Saturday i went and made a new friend and had such a great time and we really just hit it off I was so happy for once and then i got home and the enemy had struck again. My boy Mr. Peabody was dead in my yard. I was hysteric asking God how he could do this to something I loved so much and took care of when it was the first time I had actually left my home and my animals. Opossums are nocturnal so he stayed up at night and in the mornings and slept all day until 9pm this night my boyfriend had left all of my dogs outside and Mr. P had gotten out there with him and they killed him. I was upset my boyfriend had left the dogs outside because normally they are in bed when Mr. Peabody wakes up but I wasnt there to put them to bed. In my heart i didnt want to give this man grace but seeing this I feel better now. We have had an unlucky strike of losing pets, i lost my best dog from cancer. Sorry this is long for me the enemy tries to keep me isolated so i thought I would share.

  8. I so needed to see this tonight. My beloved kitty passed away on Saturday morning. I have been feeling so down, so conflicted and also guilty. Kicking myself on what I could have done differetly/better. Angry at myself, not God. I am praying for grace. God is good. Thank you for your profound testimoney. God bless you.

  9. Jessica I missed this video when I watched all your vlogs. And now I know why – God saved this for such a time as now. Girl I just love your spirit! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

  10. Amen! May God richly bless you because you are standing firmly by His word with strong faith! Our property can be replaced. We are all tested from time to time…it’s how we handle the circumstances that determines if we are pleasing to Him. You handled your loss well, although it had to be difficult. You are a strong person. ✝️

  11. Wow! What a word! I've just had CHURCH! It's been a few minutes since the video ended, and I'm still crying. Thank you for being obedient and allowing God to speak through you, through your reaction to the difficult moments of life. Thank you for reminding me that regardless of what the enemy steals, it isn't about "that", it's about stealing our worship away from the Father.

    Lord forgive me for being so self-minded, that I failed to see that before. It's all about YOU, nothing else!

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