June 12, 2024

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: WORM CASTING vs Compost …Living Microbes. Part 2

  1. Are you taking college courses on all this stuff? How did you become so knowledgeable?
    This was really cool to see. I love all the science we're exposed to as growers. I hope to one day get a proper education in these kinds of subjects. But for now, this does the trick. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. It is really awesome that you showing us what is going on in the worms' castings, soil and mostly your enthusiasm. Thank You! In one book by Henry Miller, he mentioned the worms are the most useful creature by nature. He ended up saying: Go figure! I did and i am having a wonderful time taking care of my pets.

  3. If I grow a cover crop and cut it down, how long will the creatures that are dependent on living roots survive. Can I plant immediately and keep their numbers up.

  4. Awesome video. What is the shelf life of wormcastings? I cannot set up a bin inside my house, so I am thinking of having a bin in my unheated shed for about 8 months of the year. In late fall I can retire the worms to the garden beds. Can I save those casting to use in my seed starting medium the next spring?

  5. Thanks for a great video my friend, I enjoyed it and learned a lot. What size screen do you use for sifting the material to get the finished castings?

  6. Very cool to see these creatures. I don't till, I lightly dig into the top soil and remove weeds. I am doing some no dig experiments thins year that is going well. I'll go full no dig at some point.

  7. A drop or two of some food coloring would add all kinds of contrasts. If you're looking for lab equipment keep your eyes on estate sales or auctions. One can find state-of-the art equipment for almost nothing because nobody, even the auction house, knows what "it is"..

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