September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Harvesting Red LaSoda Potatoes

We harvested our Red LaSoda potatoes. Our potato bed was 4′ wide and 30’long, so a total of 120 sq. ft. We harvested a total of 64.26 pounds of potatoes from this potato bed. I also included footage at the end of the video of a disappointing Kennebec potato harvest.

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Red LaSoda Potatoes

  1. Nice harvest on the taters there Lea!! The white kennebecs would make for some good
    salty taters or roasted taters mmmm!! What are you going to plant where the taters were?
    Have a good'nnn

  2. I bought a bag of potatoes years ago from the grocery store that tasted like dirt. I was told that they had been left in the ground too long. I don't know how long is too long tho. That piece of info made me cautious about growing my potatoes. I usually dig mine in June. I would like to know how y'alls taste cuz mine are always small.

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