March 24, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Benefits of Summer Pruning Peaches

  1. I got a couple of bare root paw paw trees this spring and pruned them to 18". For months, nothing, and I thought I had killed them. But they finally started producing branches and leaves, thank goodness. The only problem is that every single branch is going straight up. I dare not prune them in such a vulnerable state. But I don't see how I can get the goblet shape from this that you recommend. Any advice?

  2. I don't see any sweet cherry trees in your garden.I believe that Michigan is a great place to grow cherries. Do you have any suggestions for pruning a dwarf sweet cherry tree? I have had this tree for 7 years and it is not producing. It is a self pollinating tree. It has not grown much even though I have fertilized it a few times.It gets attacked by Japanese beetles every year in spite of my efforts to keep them off. Please ! Any suggestions?

  3. This video came right on time . My donut peach still having ripe yet but the branches is all over the place and we having a lot of rain so some branches are breaking . My question is take all the fruit off or leave it on to ripe please help. Thanks

  4. I was told by our local extension office that you cannot grow peaches in zone 6B organically. They had to be sprayed weekly to avoid pests, fungus and disease. What kind of spraying program do you use to grow your peaches organically? What is your feeding program?

  5. Hey! Quick question, I live in Northern Michigan, Cadillac to be specific and I was wondering if you ever have problems with your peach trees when we get super cold weather? We’re buying a house and I would like to plant a peach tree once we do! Love the vids thanks for all the advice!

  6. Hi , I have a question , my peach have a lot of dark spots on the skin of the fruit – not inside- is exterior. What is it and how can I fix it? All the help is appreciated Thks

  7. Very helpful . Please, when should I prune my newly planted peach tree? It was potted and I was told to wait a year for it to adjust to new soil etc, but it really needs pruning.

  8. Hi did you already harvest your peaches and now you are pruning? I pruned my tree early spring and now I have peaches growing but I feel like I need to prune some more off but I don’t want to stress my tree out. Is it good to prune even after the peaches are growing?

  9. Not much pruning going on here. A lot of talking. Prune long branches so energy is to the lateral growth to form a bushy tree. More lateral branches the more following year fruiting wood. Pruning in hot weather doesn't stress the tree!! It actually helps with coping with it. Less canopy,less transpiration. Stonefruit trees are tough in warm to hot conditions. Makes some good points re opening the centre for aeration but doesn't show that in demonstration. Prune lower branches near the ground re pests and diseases but doesn't show in clip.

  10. should prune peach tree to look like an upside down umbrella open in the middle with nothing growing toward the middle take off low branches to about 24 inchs from gd

  11. Do you ever root those cuttings you make when pruning your trees? I'm one of those guys that hate to waste anything and taking horticulture in high-school back in the day, those cuttings would go straight into some damp sand with some rooting hormone, even if I ended up giving them away to family or friends.

  12. I need advise with my peach tree o planted in Utah! I planned it about four or five years ago in soil that was really close to the city sprinklers but still not on the ground that they constantly mow down so that it would actually flourish, and I didn’t really know if what had popped up a couple years ago was actually the peach say that I planted or just a weed, but now that it is up it actually has little fruits this year and the day the leaves are definitely peach leaves. It looks similar shape to a Christmas tree because I literally have never touched it. Should I try to prune it in some way this summer in this 100° heat or wait til next spring? our rainy season is only one month in April to may and after that we have no rain the entire year so watering is all from sprinklers. The tree looks extremely dark green and beautiful and healthy. The leaves don’t look quite as juicy as watery as yours do but they still look healthy and I don’t see any signs of fungus or any dead leaves at all on the entire tree. It’s about 8’ tall and very full but only about 10-15 fruits on it that are growing two clustered next to each other in groups.

  13. I did some summer pruning on my peach tree, yesterday. I still have a few peaches that have not ripened, fully, yet. I am glad I did. I found a below graft branch that I had missed. It was pretty big and had come out very near the root graft and had parceled the main trunk. I cut its side branches off, first and then lopped it back in several cuts with my loppers until I had about a six inch part remaining. I then used my pruning saw to cut it back as close as I could to the branch collar. I put a piece of wood behind it so my saw would not damage the main tree trunk. I then coated the cut off stub with wood glue to seal the cut. Removing this sucker really opened up the center of the tree, because it had been filling up the center of the tree. I pruned a few other limbs and I have it in a vase shape, now. I will further prune it in January. I took out about 20+25% of the tree, yesterday. II did some minor pruning on my McIntosh apple, too, mostly stuff that was growing in the wrong direction. Very minor pruning.

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