May 29, 2024

VIDEO: Why One of My Kids Isn't Homeschooled | Our Homeschool Journey | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why One of My Kids Isn't Homeschooled | Our Homeschool Journey | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Jess, I really feel you always try your best at everything and are a good person. I would like to encourage you to seek out POC history as told by a POC historian. Sometimes the classics tend to over look or make POC history less valued. I think you will know more than I on the history you are teaching. But I wanted to very gently encourage this view too.

  2. homeschooling your kids is a very smart thing to do during a pandemic. I use a liquid bone meal say half a teaspoon to qt water for my tomatoes seedlings and tomatoes cuttings. Love your videos im hooked

  3. Home schooled 2 of my 5 kids for a few years then became a teacher at their christian school for another 5 and then they went to a christian school to finish out high school. Did the life lessons as well. Had them all in 4H all they way up to high school, milking and raising goats, sheep pigs and even dogs. My youngest is now 32 and the lessons they learned have stayed with them.

  4. So thankful you are putting this out now. My grandangels were bullied in public schools and my daughter said her daughter will not be bullied in kindergarten because her dad and grandpa are tall she inherited their height and is very tall compared to other 5yr old she plays with. Their parents are like “wow she is really tall plus comes from a long line of large breast women” and she is following in our footsteps already. I told my daughter she will be called all kind of names in kindergarten and that will not be tolerated by me. People today do not correct their children and that was never a way for my children. My daughter has Madison assigned in a Christian based home school program that is also connected to a large playgroup so she can get her socializing also. With the way and what children are being taught going so much against our beliefs homeschooling is the only way for this little angel. I love how you and Miah can just say the child’s name and they know that is all you have to say. I’m so impressed with the love you show your children. Keep up the awesome work.

  5. It’s a huge commitment, but a labor of love. We chose to homeschool our three all the way through because of our love of the experience. They are all adults now and are grateful for the scarifies we made to have that life, which is enough reward for us. Keep up the good work, it’s worth it in the end. ☺️

  6. I think that much of negativity about homeschooling is from ignorance. Not that the people are not smart but not knowing how it works. Whether or not to choose a curriculum and the time that has to be devoted. I knew before I had children that I learned towards homeschool but I didn't know enough about it. When I looked at curriculums they tended to be heavily faith based and I didn't have a problem with that, but I did not like the absence of science in many of the programs. I believe in God and evolution. So I do a modified homeschool. My kids attend public school, mostly for the social aspect that my kids needed, they're all very social with many friends. But I I homeschool during summer vacation. They get time off at the beginning and end, but the bulk of the summer is spent learning. Mostly learning through experience, we visit museums, galleries, and theater performances. We toured NASA a couple of years ago, they work on our household budget, and they spend time on a family members farm where every year they are given a piglet and kid to hand raise. My nephew lives there full time and raises and slaughters his own animals. I teach gardening to low income families who experience food insecurity and in public schools that are supported by the nonprofit that I work for. We don't even have a garden at home because I no longer have the time lol. My oldest three are adults and my youngest is 15. I will have time again once he's grown. I dream of buying a camper van and spending a year or two as nomads and learning from the road. Seeing all of the things they've only read about. I also learned that I enjoy we working much more than staying home with my kids all day. That was a hard pill to swallow. I felt inadequate and less equipped to be a parent. But now I'm unapologetic for it. I'm happier and my kids are too.

  7. It's your job to protect and shelter your kids so they can have a childhood and good Christian upbringing nothing abnormal, here, and you don't owe anyone an explanation.

  8. Oh my, I watched this one when you did it so good to see how your children have grown. I'm still enjoying your journey to South Carolina and best wishes to you. Sherree

  9. I am 60 years old and you are teaching me things that I just have never thought about implimenting into my own life and I thank you so much. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

  10. A great testimony. I can tell you really love your children. Government schools are changing every year. Your children are being taught true morals in their journey. God bless you.

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