March 19, 2025

VIDEO: John Kohler is in my garden!!!

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: John Kohler is in my garden!!!

  1. Hi Curtis, watching John's video right now and I'm noticing that you compost area takes up quite a lot of space which got me thinking.

    You could use that space much more efficient if you would make a chicken coop with deep litter method, then you could toss all your compostables in there and the chickens will turn it into compost and all you would have to do is clean it out (rake the top layer aside and harvest the ready compost on the bottom) at the end of your growing season apply it to your beds before shutting them down for the winter, in this way even if some of the compost is still a bit "hot" it should be good to go by the time you get planting in spring.

    Best way to set this up is use concrete blocks 75-100cm high so you can really build it up with compost, no floor so excess moisture can still drain out and maybe make a structure from a couple spare caterpillar hoops covered with hardware cloth through summer and plastic on top of that in winter, then a small coop for them to stay out of the wind/cold at night. Make a big door so its easy to get the compost out and something that is very practical as well is having access to the eggs without having to get into the coop itself.
    A 3x4m area would be big enough and with 6 chickens in there you'd have plenty of turning action and probably enough eggs for your family as well.

  2. Cool to see you both together! Would love to hear one or both of you review "RetroSuburbia" David Holmgren (Permaculture Co-founder), all about doing it all at homes in the suburbs.

  3. Farming is such a great way to connect with strangers or even old friends. There are so many ways to go about it. Everyone's gotta eat. Its such a uniting thing to connect on. People always seem to have some insight or experience of some technique for growing. I learn new things every day.

  4. When I first saw John K, I thought he was just another mouthy third rate spruiker.
    However, over the years, I've come to see he really is motivated to do good, and help others.
    I still find his videos long and verbose, but occasionally check in to see what he is up to.

  5. Fantastic video. Both highly inspiring. I have some interesting health issues mostly related to my genetic disease. I grow food for this reason as it has slowed progression down a lot. Thanks for your videos guys. I do all of mine using the iPhone and although I’m almost blind they turn out pretty ok.

  6. John always gets choked up about saving a person from cancer but he misses the Big picture-God created a perfect system for humans but no one really cares so they make themselves sick and feed the corrupt medical system in the West.

  7. Jesus invented abundance thinking…
    Lk 6 :38 Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, they will give into your bosom. For with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you in return.

  8. You Both inspired us to move, get land ( 30+ acres) and Start growing. Being new to homesteading and farming/gardening and sharing our story and journey on You Tube. Also Joel Salatin, and Justin Rhodes. You guys are my top 4 goto people for info if I need a reference. Thankyou From the Shire! Much love!

  9. Hope John has found that life partner. He is such a wonderful person. And Curtis….love his content and guidance during these crazy times. Blessings to you both.

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