March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Squirrel Buster Plus Wild Bird Feeder Review

Question, does the Squirrel Buster Plus by Brome really keep the squirrels out????? And we have been enjoying the different types of birds that come to feed. In this video I show you who comes to feast, and how the bird feeder is installed on our deck. We ended up buying an extension rod to lift it up above the deck railing for a better view. I review how to fill the feeder with bird seed, and whether it really keeps the squirrels out! Please comment below if you would like to share your own experience with the Squirrel Buster or have any comments or suggestions. Thank you for watching!
Bird Feeder Link in Amazon:
Extension Rod Link in Amazon:

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Squirrel Buster Plus Wild Bird Feeder Review

  1. There are two things you need to do to combat squirrels …..Keep them from climbing, and keep them from jumping. My parents have this same bird feeder and does not get bothered from squirrels, and they have it hanging from a low pine tree branch

  2. Hi. I enjoyed your video and have just bought a Squirrel Buster Plus myself.

    Here is a possible solution for videoing your birds, and the cardinal in particular.
    It's totally wireless and can be attached to your deck facing the feeder.

    Here is a sample of a cardinal using my Blink camera:

  3. I love all animals but I caught a squirrel jumping on to my bird feeder like an a hole and swinging on it dropping all the food from the feeder. I’m going to try and hang this exact feeder and see if the birds eat from it. Idk though. It looks like it will scare them off or they wont get used to it.

  4. Yes, I agree with the commenter below about the bird poo issue-I have a Squirrel Buster Classic, and when I bought it at Wild Birds Unlimited, I bought a pole system with a shepherd's crook hanger, and put it in my front yard near my home office window. Poop just lands on either the ground, or the feeder itself, where it can be easily cleaned with a Clorox wipe or a damp paper towel. I also buy the No Mess style bird seed so there are no shells or casings on the ground. Hope you are enjoying your feeder as much as I am enjoying mine.

  5. I would mount a treated wood post out in the yard about 8 feet out. I would still use your orovidex arm to extend it up and clear of the post. The cardinal will be more secure away from the house and the droppings will be in the grass as fertilizer. Use screen over welded wire tubes to cover each 5 gallon bucket tomato plant. That will allow you access to lift it up and off. But secure each tomato plant from squirrel attack. Just my two cents. Thanks for the review. Looks like a good design.

  6. We found that the red-bellied woodpecker was triggering the anti-squirrel mechanism. Fortunately it's possible to adjust the tension to allow the woodpecker to feed but still keep the squirrel out (there's a YouTube video from the manufacturer showing how to do it). We've been getting cardinals but they're very timid so they don't tend to stay long.

  7. Great Video! Ultimately the squirrels are also hungry. What I did to keep them away is provide my kitchen waste (greens, fruits etc.) near to their place of living. They seem happy there.. You can also plant trees like Neem around so when that gives fruit, squirrels go their instead. Neem is also a great air purifier and blood purifier (eating berries ). Study benefits of it.

  8. We buy the flaming hot bird feed. The squirrels don't bother it. But we keep a bowl of corn and peanuts out for the squirrels. So, they get some food and probably aren't too interested in getting the hot food. Maybe if they were starving they would still go after the hot food, but so far, no problem.

  9. THEY $100 EACH , VERY pricey for bird feeder & i have 6 of them around my house with the weather guard on them thats another $23 each ..but made in great steel quality & is VERY LRAGE & lifetime warranty, VERY good feeder ..if u can forth it..I BUY my bird seeds from COSTCO , very good quality 40lbs for $20, u cant beat that
    ur bird feeder beats up & lots of scratch on it WTF

  10. I gave up catching and relocating squirrels. Found out that was not legal and when I relocate one of them 4 new ones show up like gremlins. Well fast forward few years I now am feeding them peanuts. Ended up calling one of them Bud. He is not bashful. He scratches the glass door to ask for more peanuts. I like the group that hangout the yard now. Only because o know they aren’t going into my attic. They also are territorial so they won’t let the other bad squirrels come in their territory.

  11. Very enjoyable, thank you. You made me laugh a few times. I plan to purchase one of these at some point in future. I am very tired of the flying rats, aka squirrels, eating my bird seeds.

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