June 10, 2024

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Our Container Potatoes – How did we do?

  1. Good, useful information. Thanks.

    Might I humbly suggest (and I'm the humblest person around) that you move your firewood away from the side of your home. Fewer vermin. Wood piles can keep house fires better fueled. Where I used to live on a forested mountain, in the case of a large fire, firefighters would go to houses without firewood next to the house first. More rot can occur in wood home siding with firewood nearby. So there.

  2. Question on how you reuse that used up soil? Do you just plant more potatoes in same soil, or throw in compost, or top beds or do you use to plant something else in it or let it sit over winter?

  3. Midnight pearl is extremely disease resistant and will if grown in a bed sneakily keep growing from small missed. Potatoes. Yours are beautiful, nicely formed and smooth skins. Good soil. Thank you.

  4. Luke… planning potatoes for Spring (first time). Do I have to protect from chipmunks or squirrels? They hit my tomatoes pretty regularly. Thanks for these fun instructive videos. George

  5. Did you miss the slight of hand on the 3rd bucket I didn't see any potatoes in it then he fades away and comes back with potatoes in bucket like he got something out of 3rd bucket.

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