CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!
is that comfrey edible?
Hey James you doing great! Keep the good work
Yes please harvest vids! Please! Team grow!
Yes..more harvest videos and Tuck. I love you channel. Thank you so much for sharing.
I have that book and also roses love garlic. Thank you for your videos.
Thanks for the great video James
Carrots love Tomatoes! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!
I planted green beans AKA nitrogen fixer underneath my tomatoes thay are not doing great but I think it is just my solid slimy nasty clay
Nice James. Also like your hair today.
im a professional horticulturist from australia and james your advice is spot on mate. my hat goes off to ya. its great to watch someone articulate so well as you do. good on ya mate. james
In one of your videos you saw violets as a weed. Was wondering why exactly? They are good nectar plants for beneficial insects… Do you have a reason to keep them out? Or has that changed? Peace~
Lots of words of wisdom. Keep up the greatness!
I'm wondering if you host wwoofers? Or know of a good place to wwoof?
Everyone I've talked to in this area this year says their tomato harvest sucked. I had 9 paste tomato plants last year and made 26 qts of sauce. This year had 18 paste tomatoes planted and got 6 qts of sauce. Peppers are definitely the bumper crop this year!
A thousand books?! That sounds exhausting. I'll stick to youtube education.
I have no desire to see you suffer on camera but your garden looks awesome.
Just found your channel a couple of days ago. Really awesome loving the videos, your attitude and enthusiasm is inspiring! Great job
I'm enjoying your videos all the way from Australia. I'm fairly new to permaculture and stumbled onto your site while searching for help with our aquaponics tanks. I've subscribed and stayed because you speak in laymans terms that are easy to understand . I find a lot of permies seem to think everyone already knows what, how , when and where to plant . They're so busy trying to impress that they lose the average person. You don't do that. You speak clearly and explain thoroughly . Thank you for teaching me more in a few short months with you posts than those more qualified. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say . Keep doing what you're doing . Cheers
Complete and epic fail this year, nothing but clay and rocks…. next year should be much better. Gotta build up the soil… Xoxo
Glad to see the food forest is going strong! Our tomatoes haven't done great this year, either. Last year was definitely "the year of the tomato" for us!
You always say to find the right plants for your area? How do you find which plants are good for your area? Thanks! Tuck is a cutie!
Thanks for the video…may I ask how do you control the roots of your trees by planting so closed together and get good harvest like the egg plants and capsicums?
I live in tropical rainforest with high humidity..could i still use your tips for my forest garden.
Paused your video to order the book. Thank you!
I wish you were on Bitchute, it's so much easier than Steemit with all those super long passwords …..?
May the Good Lord who both gives wisdom and makes all things grow, lead your heart to read His book every day.