June 9, 2024

VIDEO: How To Use PLANTS To Take Care Of Your Garden

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CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know! https://youtu.be/2dq2OQsFCjM

5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL: https://youtu.be/7-Tyz7fGeZo

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Use PLANTS To Take Care Of Your Garden

  1. im a professional horticulturist from australia and james your advice is spot on mate. my hat goes off to ya. its great to watch someone articulate so well as you do. good on ya mate. james

  2. In one of your videos you saw violets as a weed. Was wondering why exactly? They are good nectar plants for beneficial insects… Do you have a reason to keep them out? Or has that changed? Peace~

  3. Everyone I've talked to in this area this year says their tomato harvest sucked. I had 9 paste tomato plants last year and made 26 qts of sauce. This year had 18 paste tomatoes planted and got 6 qts of sauce. Peppers are definitely the bumper crop this year!

  4. I'm enjoying your videos all the way from Australia. I'm fairly new to permaculture and stumbled onto your site while searching for help with our aquaponics tanks. I've subscribed and stayed because you speak in laymans terms that are easy to understand . I find a lot of permies seem to think everyone already knows what, how , when and where to plant . They're so busy trying to impress that they lose the average person. You don't do that. You speak clearly and explain thoroughly . Thank you for teaching me more in a few short months with you posts than those more qualified. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say . Keep doing what you're doing . Cheers

  5. Thanks for the video…may I ask how do you control the roots of your trees by planting so closed together and get good harvest like the egg plants and capsicums?

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