September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Will I see YOU at the SEED EXPO?! | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

Baker Creek Heirloom Expo Information:

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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith love happy mail! To drop us a line:PO Box 850Vilonia, AR 72173

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Will I see YOU at the SEED EXPO?! | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. I hope to see you at the expo!! We live in Santa Rosa and have an amazing garden with many plants grown from Baker Creek seeds. And their seed bank is only a 30+ minute drive which is exciting!

  2. I personally wouldn't want to be shown in the hospital in that condition to millions of people. I think explaining in detail to that person what it means for you to include them in your VLOG/BLOG and wait until they give their consent. There are a lot of things that are in family only. Don't assume that everyone who watches your videos are for you, they may be against you. May God make you and your love ones invisible to your haters, instigators, and deceivers, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.❤

  3. Prayers for whatever journey God is sending you on. He is in control but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. Prayers for healing, peace, revelation and that you all may rest in Him. Love and blessings.

  4. My prayers for your entire family!!! Keep together and take care of each other and you will get through this. Thank you for all the knowledge, sweetness and awesome channel.

  5. Definitely will keep your mom in prayer! Prayers for all of you!
    And prayers that you and Jeremiah are able to have a wonderful time together in CA.
    I will see you at the Homesteaders of America in Virginia, in October!

  6. Totally get the animal hair on clothes deal, though my deal is cat hair… I used to think, when I had 'regular' work that critter hair on clothes was a terrible thing… but, it doesn't matter now, though when I spot critter hair on my neighbors' clothes, I want to say something…but it isn't so important. Everything works out as it should, we all pass at some point… no blame, no guilt, let it all pass. Que pase bien. Looking fwd to your being in Sonoma County… wish I could be there, looking fwd to yr reports…

  7. Would love a live Q & A- HOWEVER- if you decided to take a true break with Hubby for the week- I'd love that even more. At the same time- I know there are some things we are driven to do no matter what (like me today pushing peas into the ground when I know I should be resting). Enjoy the Expo-I know you'll be great!

  8. My sister had a rooster who would attack her children (who are grown- and live across country” she got in the habit of carrying a golf club. On several occasions she thought she had taken the roosters life; but swore he had nine lives.

  9. I wish I could have gone to the seed expo. I hope they have one by me sometimes. I think kitten George is so cute! How do you get him to be outside without him running away? I have a about 1 year old cat and when I let her outside sometimes she is so hard to catch agin because she runs from me and I’m afraid she will jump over the fence and escape.
    Also who is Miliah and what do you mean picking her up from her moms?

  10. Just want to say how much I love all your youtube videos. You and your family are so inspiring and generous and it inspires me. I watch you every night while preparing dinner for myself and my husband, gazing out at our orchard and vegetable gardens, which used to overwhelm me and now don't at all. Blessings, from South Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

  11. health and hope for mama Jer hugssssssssssss i love that you share your life with me and others but you also need to have some privacy do not feel wrong about it when the time comes you will know we will all stand behind or beside you and yours hugss from Ontario Canada

  12. About seven years ago I was going for a run a in Medi Park, in Amarillo, Texas. It's really pretty (For that area) with two ponds, playgrounds and such. Anyways there are geese in the ponds and I've always been told that they will attack you. Sure enough as I was rounding the smaller pond, here come a whole flock of geese, heads down and hissing. The first one to make it to me I drop-kicked straight in the chest. He flew (Not with his wings) back and the other geese ran the other way. I ran many times in that park after that. Not one goose came at me, in fact when they saw me, they ran (waddled) the other way.

  13. Im very sad going back and watching this after watching some of the newer videos and knowing that this video has to be pretty close to when she passes away 🙁 im sure she was an amazing woman to raise such a sweet miah.

  14. I thought I could become a morning person when I got a farm. I’m Jeremiah all the way. I’ll get up, I’ll feed them, after coffee. I will not interact with people.

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