June 8, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 100+ Pounds Of Potatoes From 48 Square Feet! *Largest Harvest To Date*

  1. good morning checking out my container growing tomatoes which are doing super until I just discovered something is eating the Leafs off of the stems and just leaving the stem or branch I hope I can get an answer from someone

  2. Good video. Congratulations. I am planning to grow some potatoes of my own this year for the first time. I’m going to try some in my raised bed and others in containers. Going to try a few of your tips! Thank you!

    However, I’m giggling a bit that you found an average in the 80’s to be hot. You’d die here. It can be 80° inside on a August day because it’s 115° or higher outside. With an average humidity of about 60-75%, I garden in the morning or evening. I hibernate indoors during the day. But I have autoimmune issues that make high heat intolerable to me. My husband however works outdoors most days.
    I had tomatoes and peppers still growing until mid January when we had a freeze come in. I actually was still harvesting them too. I got about 15 tomatoes off of 5 vines right before the freeze. They had slowed in production as the horn worms found them in December when the rest of my gardens were done. But I don’t think many get any in December or January. So?…

  3. I’ve just started watching this channel recently. What zone are you in? I’m in 4b in Minnesota so I’m wondering if your planting season lined up with ours or is a bit earlier.

  4. You said that the average summer temperature was about 80°, is that a daily average meaning the average of all the highs of every day? Or did you take into account the temperature overnight also? I’m just wondering if it was lower at night that prevented the soil from evaporating as much as a solid 80° as an average including the overnights. Hope that question makes sense ha ha

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